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Finally a bit of sense from Kent police !!!!


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Hi all, well what a mess about !!! I moved to Kent from Essex in September, so I contacted Kent police to get my address changed for my SGC and FAC. The feo rang me to say that since my tickets run out about a month later, I should do the address changes and renewal at the same time, fine I said, WELL !! The feo comes round and says he's been looking through my notes and paper work and basically says I can't have my FAC !!! The bit of land I have in Essex is classed as "high seat only" (due to it being quite flat) he says that Kent police don't accept high seat only as a condition. He also says that I can't have my deer condition as "I can't see you have any stalking experience" even though I have proved to Essex I'm suitable !! Well I wasn't impressed to the least !! So I left it for a while and my SGC arrived, but I still felt pretty hard done by. Anyway a couple of weeks ago I wrote a letter to the head is firearms at Kent police, a lady called Wendy Pankhurst. Well all I can say is what a straight thinking sensible lady she is, she couldn't of been nicer !!! She explained the feo had been a bit harsh,and that in Kent they don't put conditions on land it's either safe for firearms or its not. "Ok" I say she then says she's happy that the the land on my ticket is suitable for firearms and that she will again issue may FAC !!!!!!! GREAT I say, then the topic of money comes about as I then said to her i would like my licences coterminous and that i was given a refund when my FAC was refused. "Don't worry about that" she says "il sort that for you" I was shocked !!! I then asked her about an open FAC (something I had discussed with the feo) "yes, I'm happy to do that, il give you an open licence, I can see you have enough experience"'

Well I could of done a little dance !!!!!!! After all that I get my FAC back, for free and get it "open"'what a result, couldn't be happier !!!

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I have to say - having a quite a few dealings with the Kent Firearms dept over the past few years, they are definitely getting their act together. My SGC renewal letter came the other day stating that they now implement a 'selective home visit policy', and I have been told to expect a 7-10 day wait for my latest FAC variation (albeit a one for one). My last variation took 6 weeks and the one before that 12, so they're getting there.

Can't fault the staff there either - my new FEO is a top man - a refreshing change from the previous one!

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Why do'nt you write a letter to the chief constable complimenting a refreshing return to a commonsense approach to issues and mention her by name Praise where its due. :good:



I agree with Vulpicide anyone in any firearms section who is as logical and helpful as your contact has been deserves a letter of thanks and praise for her common sense and 'customer focus'.


More to the point, I think that any letter to the chief constable should ask Why is it that one of his FEO's is out there making random off the cuff decisions about firearms applications that aren’t supported by the head of the firearms department?

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More to the point, I think that any letter to the chief constable should ask Why is it that one of his FEO's is out there making random off the cuff decisions about firearms applications that aren’t supported by the head of the firearms department?

Agreed ! But maybe he will see through a letter of praise if the facts are set out ?

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Good to hear some proactive stuff going on, I consider myself very lucky as North Yorkshire are spot on and really helpful.

Hi Ben, N Yorks have always had a good reputation. I have no complaints with W Yorks, they have always been excellent with me.


Is it true that N Yorks will give you an open ticket on first application, I hear it being mentioned in conversation.

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Hi Ben, N Yorks have always had a good reputation. I have no complaints with W Yorks, they have always been excellent with me.


Is it true that N Yorks will give you an open ticket on first application, I hear it being mentioned in conversation.

Yep, North Yorks don't do an "open or closed" ticket system.

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That's an interesting way of doing it, know open or closed condition ? Saves a lot of messing about.

I think it basically puts the onus / responsibility firmly on the FAC holders to make an assessment of the ground etc rather than the force having to rubber stamp everything.

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nice one rimmie sounds like commom sense has prevailed


out of interest which FEO was it you had? I live in Rochester and my FEO has been great and I cant speak highly enough of him.


my first FAC app is going through at the moment for 22 rimfire and .17 hmr and when I had my interview with him he was really good , even saying its a lot of nonsense all the land checking and stuff as he said he could refuse me a calibre on a piece of land then someone with an open ticket can shoot what they like there. so he always states that "This piece of land is not unsafe for.........." rather than saying its safe. he says this way responsibility is completely on the shooter and if anything goes wrong he cant be held up for anything like would happen if he said its safe.


had my interview last Monday and when I chased the admin people they said that the special branch checks on me had been forgotten and need to be done and the girl who does them is on holiday and no one else can coordinate them!!!


where abouts in kent are you?


been about 6 weeks so far since applying so hopefully will get it soon

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I'm in west gate belly, so a bit away from you. The feo was Richard Gould, known for being a bit of a **** around here. Every one round this area that shoots says the same thing about him. They do seem abut **** about face at Kent firearms, but it does sound like its alot better than it used to be from what I'm told !!!

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I rang them the other day to check on the progress of my application and was told that they forgot to do the special branch checks when the app first got to them , so now I have to wait a bit more as the girl that does them is on holiday


when I asked " does nobody cover her job when she is on holiday ?" the answer I got was no and that I will have to wait.


damn it...............


the wait continues

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