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Not enough time


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Hi all, having a new baby has seriously restricted my shooting time at the moment.

I don't have the time and funds to run both shot guns and rifles so have decide to give up with the shot guns and just run with rifles.


Any others found you just don't have time for both ?



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I'm in exactly the same boat, I've got a daughter and my son is due early next month so i'm already thinking about giving up one of the two. Difficulty is that I enjoy the target / rifle shooting but a fair few of my friends shoot clays now so it's a bit of social.


I homeload my rifle stuff except for the LR and with the cost of clays and cartridges going up I think that it may be up for the slaughter, but as has been said, if I lay my shotgun up then it's not going to loose money (if it was worth anything in the first place!)


The weekend is also more family time now so I think my rifle shooting will probably have to be limited now as well especially as children tend to be bloody expensive!

Edited by Livefast123
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If it is just about time, I would say to give it a while. I have 3 kids and can sympathize. It does get easier and you and the good lady will eventually work out a system when you can both have your own "me" time. Give it a year. It is feasable to do both.


Besides, what if the kid wants to break a few clays when it's older ......

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Me too school hols means if not at work I'm lookin after the monsters just means I'm limited to lamping for a while having said that I'm on nights now so going to farm with air rifle for a few hour b4 gonna bed. Only 2hr and should be all set with deeks out woohooo!

Edited by Paul taylor
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Keep both... go out less.

I have a 2 year old and a 3 month old. I have found that the rifle is handy as I can pop out for 2 hours door to door, sometimes less! (The other day I literally was out for half our and came back with a few nights dinner... And then other times suit a quick walk with a shotgun.


I havn't the time to pigeon decoy, or sit out all night lamping or even spend half a day out there... but I still find time for the odd quick shoot.


If my kids are being monsters and tired, we take them out in the car with a gun in the boot and drop me off at my perm and the misses either waits in the car enjoying the peace and quiet whilst I do the rounds for 1/2 hour, or she'll drive around a bit and pick me up.

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My misus is due next month, its the first! Dunno how we will cope but I'm hoping to get out at least once a month to clear the head!

Good plan, sometimes the country air is good for that. Having a baby isn't the end of your shooting life by any means, just need to find a good balance of being a good parent and having some time to your self.


I was very keen as soon as possible after my first born to get my partner out of the house on her own (With her friends) and had a mate come over and we had a film and comedy film night whils she was away from the kids.... helps your partner not get post natal depression, and then means you get a 'going out card' in return.

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I've got a 4yr old and a 6 weeks old :).... I shoot a bit less yes but still make time for some time out.... that meaning I still shoot most days :D


I need to be out or I start going crazy, my wifes ace and can see me starting to stare outside longingly and says "its ok if you go do your thing for a few hours", she doesnt need to say it twice! :).... I got a goodun!

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I know where your coming from mate, we've got twins on the way so I'm really gonna feel it. We'd worked out we could afford child care for one to allow my wife to keep working but can't do it with two.


Think it's gonna be the shotgun that goes first as I barely use it, hopefully I won't have to pick between the hornet and rimfire.

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