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What shall I do?


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Hi all

Long story short ...I Spoke to my flo Saturday regarding my 308 application, he's happy for me to get one etc etc but wants me to get rid of one of my other rifles , I still don't understand because I have a good use for all of them but I'm happy to play the game at the moment as I'm pretty to get my 308 sorted. I have a 22lr, 17hmr and 222. I have a good use for all of them but one has to go. I much prefer using the 17 compared to the 22 but I think I would kick myself if I got rid of the 22 because it can be so useful when you need to be quiet. I definitely want to keep the 222 as its a hell of a round and I don't fancy using 180 grain bullet foxing! So what I'm thinking is keep both the 22 and 222 and get rid of the 17. The way I'm

Thinking is if I were to get a good quality moderator on the triple surely it won't be that much louder than the 17, and with the money I get for the 17 I can put towards ammunition etc for the triple. I appreciate the triple is over kill for the rabbiting trips but for the Odd long range rabbit or crow but predominantly fox I think this would be the best option...

I have a couple of questions.. What do you think? And how loud would a triple be with a decent mod on it? Say compared to a hmr? Cheers all

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Okay I may just do that. To be fair though it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world because I I got another gun I'd have to get another cabinet as I have no more space in my current one.

How loud is a moderated triple?

Is it because your cabinet is full that you need to get rid of one?


Good luck with modding the .222 its still gonna go with one hell of a crack mate, if you want a quiet cf ditch the .222 and the hmr get a .22hornet mine is incredibly quiet. Not quite got the poke of a triple but I can shoot mine without ear protection if I wanted. It's like a happy medium between your hmr and triple, nice and quiet but fox capable out to 200yrds.


If I was going to part with one of your current guns though it would be the hmr.

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Ok, here is the score. They are trying to meet some kind of internal target for reduction or no-increase in amount of firearms in your area most likely. If the .308 is for shooting deer other than munties and CWD in England or Roe in Scotland you have all the good reason in the world - its called the Deer act! If your reason was FTR comps again you have no calibre that you might substitute.


Two choices, 1. press ahead, appeal and risk tempary revocation of your FAC pending outcome 2. loose the HMR to keep them sweet and look at reduced power "turkey loads" for the triple 40-50 grn bullet at 2500-2700 fps (does everything a hornet can in the field)


Fighting the issue might lead to increased security being imposed due to the amount or type of firearms (this is allowed for in current guidelines). Meaning monitored alarms, security bars / shutters. I have been there but slightly different they said I had too many listed for Vermin so couldn't have good reason for them all, no matter how I explained the difference. Remember you cannot go back and amend / alter your "good reason" to own that .308. So if you said .308 for fox or recreational target shooting at HO club you might be on a looser.


good luck, speak to you shooting association before you decide at the very least they should be made aware of the occurrence in your area

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