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Eel fishing


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I have been toying with the idea of building a smoker for a while, and if I do would like to get hold of a few eels to put in it. The only problem is that while I used to be an avid fisherman years ago (barbel and chub mainly), I have never tried to catch eels (and have never caught one by accident)


My questions are these - What kind of swim (river) is best for eels, what kind of bait to use and what kind of tackle? Any hints on methods aswell would be most welcome.


Unfortunately I dont have access to anywhere I can use an eel trap without the rick of it getting nicked, so that method it out.






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done a bit of eel fishing but mainly stillwater


the guys who showed me the ropes were eel club members and we were trying for "better" fish, not bootlaces


almost all fishing was either twilight-night-early morning using static dead baits or bunches of worm trying to keep the bait as free running as possible. Pre baiting was worthwhile dead maggots being favourite


on moving water, a slow running swim would probably be best?


on stillwaters large eels can become land locked and fished for year round although summer months would be more productive, not sure on the rivers though don't a majority as them **** off to sargasso or something


been a lot of debate of late as to the demise of the eel population in this country to which i must agree that you don't get bothered by them as much as days of old


be interested as to what others think


cheers Tp

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Eels are becoming quite scarce and most of the commercial eel netting/trapping licences have been withdrawn.

Like most things, I suppose taking one or two for the pot won't harm the overall population dramatically.


I would suggest trying still waters, with a small dead bait (sprat or roach), on a 2/0 Aberdeen style hook.


Eels are hard to catch in the Winter and so you would be better waiting until warmer waters in the Spring.

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Eels will respond to heavy baiting.


Canals are your best bet....couple of pints of dead maggots (freeze them), fish at dusk/dawn full moon.


Fill the place in with a steady stream of maggots and they should come in.


Chopped worms are great to add into ground bait mixes....anything stinky.....




One question........Why would you want to eat eels....

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I heard a pair of old tights stuffed with mushy guts etc on a rope thrown in a river :good:


Eels make their way into the tights by chewing through and get trapped inside.


How true i don't know but the lad whi informed me is normaly reliable.




This method I believe is known as 'Globbing' for eels :lol:

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