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Jasper arrived today.


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J-dog dosnt realise it yet but he is well on the way to being "sprockerized"...you dont own them ..they own you, and they live to work and live to have fun and please their owner....looking at j-dogs "hat" picture he is in good partridge country...and thats what the dogs love best....you need to have at least 3 of them.....i have only one left now, the one in the right of the picture ..she is 14 and still likes to hunt and retrieve, her sister (middle of the pic died last year) and her elder brother died the year before......so j-dog you are going to have them for a long time..............my favourite time of the year was sept-oct on the partridges when i used to stand way back behind the guns then i would let them off to cover the field and the hedges...they all worked independent....and the guns used to make time to watch them after they put their guns away...it was a joy to behold....so j-dog you have a lot of fun to come........look forward to seeing sprocker number 2 on your forthcoming posts !!!!!

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Cute , looking little fella JDog , don't let that fool you though anything with a good bit of cocker in it is going to run you ragged for the next 10 years at the very least !

If he turns out anything like mine though he will also be the most affectionate and loyal companion you will have had ( other than Mrs JDog of course)


Good luck with his future training .

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Jdog, how's the border taken to the spaniel pup?


When I got my cocker pup the border was most annoyed and just about tolerated him...within a few days though the pup was dragging the terrier around by his face and the terrier just put up with it...they are now inseperable best buddies (cocker is nearly 2 and border is 4).

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That reminds me of the Goodies episode with t' flat caps, Whippets and ye olde black puddin'


ah the ancient and almost forgotten martial art of "ecky thump" i love watching the vids on you tube

thats the cap of a novice ecky thumper ;)

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ah the ancient and almost forgotten martial art of "ecky thump" i love watching the vids on you tube

thats the cap of a novice ecky thumper ;)


:lol::lol: :lol: :lol: That's the one.. forgot about ecky thump! Watched the loch-ness monster one this morning!

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