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A Day with a difference…Spaniel Field Trial

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Today is was doing something very different and most enjoyable, I was shooting on a Spaniel Field Trial.

Having not long picked up my cocker spaniel puppy it gave me a hands on and birds eye view of how it worked.

The invite was from Simon Reinhold (basc eastern region director) at the Walberswick Estate in Suffolk which is 7000 acres!

I travelled up with Peter Theobald and met the other two gun one being the wildlife artist Simon Trinder

There were 14 Springer’s and 2 Cockers competing in this trial, shooting over sugar beet. Being left handed I asked to be placed on the right side of the line which gave me some of the more testing shoots out of the day. Quite nerve-racking to say the least with 35 plus people watching a flushed bird swing across your gun and made even harder with the sugar beet under foot.

How it worked was a gun then a handler with dog and judge then a gun, the head keeper, a third gun then handler with there dog and judge then my self all keeping in a line with 3 people carrying the shot birds and beaters in the distance acting as stops.

There is a lot of stopping and starting as shot birds were retrieved (or not) then handlers and dogs were rotated as the trial went through the day.

As per the title it was very different but very enjoyable…



Edited by The Essex Hunter
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Glad you enjoyed the day. I 've shot in a good number of trials and I can still remember the first. Very nerve racking until the first bird got up and I shot it, the nerves went. Some of the most enjoyable days I've had shooting, and a privilege to watch the dogs working. I've shot in both retriever and spaniel trials but the spaniels are something special

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Is Julian still the keeper on there?


A very nice Estate.


Today is was doing something very different and most enjoyable, I was shooting on a Spaniel Field Trial.

Having not long picked up my cocker spaniel puppy it gave me a hands on and birds eye view of how it worked.

The invite was from Simon Reinhold (basc eastern region director) at the Walberswick Estate in Suffolk which is 7000 acres!

I travelled up with Peter Theobald and met the other two gun one being the wildlife artist Simon Trinder

There were 14 Springer’s and 2 Cockers competing in this trial, shooting over sugar beet. Being left handed I asked to be placed on the right side of the line which gave me some of the more testing shoots out of the day. Quite nerve-racking to say the least with 35 plus people watching a flushed bird swing across your gun and made even harder with the sugar beet under foot.

How it worked was a gun then a handler with dog and judge then a gun, the head keeper, a third gun then handler with there dog and judge then my self all keeping in a line with 3 people carrying the shot birds and beaters in the distance acting as stops.

There is a lot of stopping and starting as shot birds were retrieved (or not) then handlers and dogs were rotated as the trial went through the day.

As per the title it was very different but very enjoyable…



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To be honest trialing is not a spectator sport, those in the gallery have to be behind the dogs and guns for safety and because of that will not see the nitty gritty of a trial. To control numbers a phone call to the secretary will get you an invitation and if you really want to be close up and personal ask to carry the game bag, that will get you in line with the handler ,the guns and the judge , where you will see what it's all about.


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