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Well it was a windy day and the first spot I set-up was voide of anything bar seagulls..... Moved to under a tree right under a flight line and within 30 minutes I was two birds for four shots.... then it went quite and then it went manic and then quite..... with the wind the birds where coming in either low and fast or high and dive bombing down. If you did not get them with the first shot then the wings would flare and with the wind as it was they would shoot off like pocket rockets. Had some fun incoming and dam challenging cross shots.


I was set-up under a tree with the sun and the wind to my back so I was in the shade. Knowing it would be a day of quite periods I chose to shoot seated to stop my fidgeting - worked as well.


In the end I had 18 woodies, a Rook, five ferals and a Crow and all that for 60 shots....... given the wind I am well pleased with that. Those I missed where stupid shots over the top every time and behind. The behind was because I was not following through and over the top was due to the gun being 1.5" too short in the stock for me - forgot the extension pad! For my birthday the gf is paying for the gun to be extended with a proper wood extension so hopefully I will be bob on come December as I have four shoot days.

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