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Bring back the National Service

il cacciatore


45 members have voted

  1. 1. Bring back national service?

    • Yeh
    • Nah
    • Other (I've posted in the thread what I think)

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There have been a spate of reality programs regarding national service like Bad Lads Army and the other one. I over heard the other day on the bus from someone that National Service would get the country back on the right track but is it really a good idea?


I'm not too sure.


By National service I mean 1 or 2 years compulsory service for persons over 16 but not including persons going to do higher education.


So whats the verdict?

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No way. I did 8 years in the mob 86 - 94. The quality of recruit went right down even then. It may have improved but I doubt it. Watering down the remainder of professional soldiers is not a good idea.


I agree it would sort out the men from the boys and instill discipline, but at what cost?

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National Service continued after the 2nd world war to ensure that there were enough people in the armed forces to meet the task. As that tasked decreased and numbers in the armed forces were met from recruiting volunteers there was no longer a need for National Service and it ceased in 1960/61.

If you were undergoing a course of further education such as an apprenticeship,university studies or other similar courses you were deferred from National Service until you finished the course.This meant that the age of National Servicemen ranged from 17 up to 25 or so and provided a mix of people from all walks of life and backgrounds.This meant,particularly during the 10 to 12 weeks of basic training,you learnt how to get along with other people,how to work in a team and how other people may be dependant on you for the team to succeed.If you didn't want to co-operate,other members of your group would soon point out the error of your ways so that they weren't dragged down to your level and that the required standard was achieved.

This was an excellent grounding for life and most National Servicemen benefitted from it as human beings if not financially,pay while under training was about £1.50/week!

Unfortunately,some would say,the Armed Forces no longer needs National Servicemen.In the modern,highly technical services,two years would hardly be enough to train to them become effective soldiers,sailors and airmen.

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Voted no, and the reason is simple…..the military want professional armed forces made up of men who joined up for the purpose of being trained for combat and a skill.

What they do NOT want is a bunch of conscripts who aren’t the least bit interested in either learning a skill or fighting for Queen or country.

Look at what happened in the Falklands when a professional army came up against a conscript army.


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im still serving, its better to have a volunteer army ie peeps who will give their 100% not someone pressganged who will give only 50%.


the quality of recruit has declined to some extent but only due to changing society/attitudes etc but we are still one of the best trained forces although underfunded/equiped.


as said the benefits to society would be instilled discipline/ respect but only through older methods of training - unfortunately it would not and could not be accepted by todays generations/standards. and i dont think half of todays youth could handle it progs like bad lads army prove it and thats minus the beatings!


A Willing volunteer is always better - nough said me thinks b4 i get on my soapbox.


im still serving, its better to have a volunteer army ie peeps who will give their 100% not someone pressganged who will give only 50%.


the quality of recruit has declined to some extent but only due to changing society/attitudes etc but we are still one of the best trained forces although underfunded/equiped.


as said the benefits to society would be instilled discipline/ respect but only through older methods of training - unfortunately it would not and could not be accepted by todays generations/standards. and i dont think half of todays youth could handle it progs like bad lads army prove it and thats minus the beatings!


A Willing volunteer is always better - nough said me thinks b4 i get on my soapbox.



Graham M - i agree

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Damn right, no more bloody gate guard for me!!

But what's this about letting layabout, timewasting students off then, five years square bashing and THEN college that'll give 'em some morale fibre and they might be able to drink properly(that's without falling over at the end).









And yes.....I do have a Kevlar helmet and yes I am wearing it. :lol:

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I'm no longer serving, but I have done this argument to death.


I voted 'Yes', because I think National Service would benefit the nation and the population in the long-term. It's not a cliched pipe-dream to hope that National Service would instil self-discipline, motivation and respect in hordes of young men and women who would otherwise be slumming it as civvies. Look at the Israeli or Swiss armies, both of which contain conscripted men. It has some benefits.


I agree 100% with the sentiment that a professional volunteer is worth several conscripts. It's a fact. But the social benefits that National Service would bring would be welcome.....

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Having witnessed only this morning, two hobo drunken laybout men of mid 30's kicking a public telephone in broad daylight, on a busy high street, trying to extract change, I voted 'yes'.


There just isnt the respect in this country and this would certainly help to get some back.

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Italy had it but abolished it the year before I was due to be called up. For 1985 and onwards people didn't do it anymore and my birthday was in Feb 1985 so missed it by a couple of months.


Think it would instill discipline and may not be what the army wants but tbh, who cares. Don't think it is about what the army wants its what would be best for the UK. Maybe not an invasion force but could replace the TA (or support it?) :lol:

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I voted yes.


I agree that one volunteer is better than two conscripts but if they don't shape up then they get to stay in for another two years until they are good enough. If they still don't perform (and I'm talking attitude over "natural ability here") then they go to the brig for two years.

It is all about self discipline and WANTING to better yourself. There will always be a few people who will never work out but that's life isn't it?


I doubt I would have passed the medical to get into the army but I now wish I had at least tried, and if National service had been around I would have benefiteted from it both mentaly and physically.

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It's been said and I'd agree that NS would just give you an army of third raters. The British Army is still the best in the world even given all the problems penny pinching politicos are causing so why weaken it with **** soldiers. OK some doing NS might turn out to really enjoy it and maybe stay for the duration but most would just get in the way of real soldering. They'd have to create an additional force of army social workers to deal with all the wasters.


A better bet to harness all that young male testosterone might be a chain gang! :lol:

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