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first driving lesson

young airgunner

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Guest jonrms

:happybday: Bud!


but be carefull... because even though the instructor said go as fast as you like... the speed limit was only 30 :good::lol: :blink:





have a good birthday!!!!!! and be safe! remember to ALWAYS wear your seat belt.......


and if you have subs, amps etc in the boot of your car.... cover them up before going game/vermin shooting.... dont want to get them dirty!!!! LOL :good:

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no wasn't nervous. was quite relaxed actually. the instructor said go as fast as you feel comfortable as he took me on a quite road with not many cars and did about 50 which werent bad for a first time. cant wait till my next lesson :o


cheers james



I really feel sorry for you bud what with the new standards being raised each few yearrs and new tests coming in.


I was lucky to get all my tests done (car / bike / bus) done before most of these stupid tests came in. I feel really sorry for the NEW generation of drivers. It's good to hear your enjoying yourself AND you got a car for your B-Day you jammy so n so :good:


Took me over a year working on a YTS to save for a Car i used to get about £25 a week for 40 hours (can they still do that now with the National minimum wage?)


As for the get up to a comfortable speed i think we ALL went there :lol:


Mine was on a ER5 doing my DAS i got onto the dual carriageway and the instructor said "i want to see you get up to speed on here"


Poor choice of words :yp:


I wound it on and shot down the A1 south from Team valley doing over 100 :blink: I remember a crackling broadcast over the radio "where the hell are you i can't see you! Slow down so i can catch up!" :no:


Are you getting TUTORED lessons or a mix of Paid and personal? I find just get someone in the car with you and practice what your INSTRUCTOR tells you is best and just go for a few days in your dads car (with him in of course) and drive about to get comfortable driving and build up confidance :good:


The driving as i say is the easy part it's the Hazard perception test etc that is the ****** B)



BTW Happy Birthday!


Best of British :P



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Well done mate.

I think it's about time I got round to getting some lessons. But it'll be **** law that as soon as i get out onto the road i'll be met by a learner caravan driver being followed by a convoy of cyclists and horse riders! Not forgetting the bin men at the front.

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thanks alot everyone. lord geordie- i am having lessons with instructor and going out with my dad in the car.like you say, i can go through the things with my dad that i do in the lessons.

jonrms- the car i have got is my bro's old 106 and yes it does have a sub and amp in the boot so will have to cover them up when i go shooting :blink:


cheers james

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thanks alot everyone. lord geordie- i am having lessons with instructor and going out with my dad in the car.like you say, i can go through the things with my dad that i do in the lessons.

jonrms- the car i have got is my bro's old 106 and yes it does have a sub and amp in the boot so will have to cover them up when i go shooting :good:


cheers james


Don't be daft lad just get a tape or CD of Calls and play it at full volume you will attract quarry in from as far as Portsmouth :good:


If the guy from Defra comes you can play the dumb card! Oh i wonder how that CD got in the stereo :blink:



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Good luck for when you do your test. The thought of it still scares me a bit; for my first test I had a fat grumpy ****** of an examiner ( I swear he weighed down the left side of the car - and ruined the handling!), it was school leaving time, I had to do it in a car I'd never driven before, and to top it all off it started snowing a blizzard half way through. I passed the second time though!

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