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My sons first Bird


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Well, since the initial post, Charlie has been doing well! since dropping his pigeon and reading all of your comments and words of encouragement, his confidence has grown massively.

With his new found confidence, he was comfortable enough to share 80% of my stands A fortnight ago. He had a few shots but didn't manage to connect with any pheasants, (he knew himself that he was stiff and wasn't swinging through) he did however bag his first squirrel!


So he'd had a couple of weeks to reflect on how the prior shoot went. He told me he was far more relaxed this week and that he was going to swing through more...

Well it paid off! The first drive there was an early flush from a stray dog, as we were getting our guns out, he had a quick snap shot and missed. He reloaded and and swung through on a cock bird 35 yards up and 10 yards to his left, squeezed the trigger and down it fell, stone dead, he'd hit it full pattern!

He was over the moon!


On the second drive we were stood directly at the end of the cover crop and a hen bird came out and got up making for a wide crosser, again, he confidently mounted, swung through and squeezed the trigger, another pheasant in the bag!


On the 3rd drive we were a walking gun to take any birds that curled back, as we walked under the trees, the game keeper pointed out a squirrel in the tree, not far from where he shot one a fortnight ago, so that was another one in the bag...


So for a morning with his 410 he managed 2 tricky pheasants and another squirrel!

Another proud day!

My youngest son is super keen too, he spent the day beating with his mum and our little spaniel...



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Thanks once again for all your comments...

He got his 410 for Christmas last year so has been practicing for the past 10-11 months... now he's wanting to progress to a larger gun so he can get out on the marsh with me. I've been looking at some small 20 bore semi autos to keep the barrel weight down... He might be lucky on his birthday!

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Good write up (but you're used to that :whistling: )


Nice to see yourself having good taste in guns....lol


Send the picture and a brief write up to Sporting Gun, they love anything like that, and then you can show it to your son.....


Oh......Dont you dare start bringing him to the PW charity shoot.......it's bad enough Maglad turning up and putting us to shame without your lad with a single barreled .410.......lol



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