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Today I stoped some polish lads poaching with air rifles in a wood were we have permission, there are no pheasants about anymore and the ponds are empty of ducks.

When confronted they couldn't speak much English but one said it's not a problem we come all the time and nobody has said anything.


Was wondering what you guys thought and what you would do.


Was thinking to phone police but didn't think much would come from it

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police most of the time are useless although i think its still best to call them than deal with it yourself had some dog men right outside our house the other week police came quite a while after turned round out the yard came back 5 minutes later and never to be seen again after that,


the next morning someone found two terrier dogs run over just down the road, no guesses from where they came.

Edited by contrysports
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a friend of mine caught several polish men taking ducks from his pond they were tame ones all he got was a load of abuse and the police said not worth chasing up.i lost 400 chickens and when I pointed the police in the direction of the polish camp up the road was told I was being racist.also they have been found trapping swans that have lived in the drainage channels here for years and are now all but gone.i am not saying that all poachers are from other country's but in my own experiences the majority are

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Guest rimotu66

No not all poachers are from other countries , just the ones that take protected animals/fish/birds, there defence? 'that's what they do in there homeland' my answer.... sod off back there then.

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No not all poachers are from other countries , just the ones that take protected animals/fish/birds, there defence? 'that's what they do in there homeland' my answer.... sod off back there then.

With the amount of fish and wildlife taken from this area in a short time I can't see their being anything edible left in eastern Europe.

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Carp is traditional fish for christmas in poland, I think some time ago carp was important fish in england.

As far as I am aware pols dont eat swans. (There is always someone od) but further east they do. Lithuania ns romanians.

as for fish yes fresh water fish is main catch.

I know for fact that there is massive amount of ignorants poles who dont obey rules and pouch animals.

Bests approach is call police asap.

Edited by alendil
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It does make your blood boil, the local town I grew up in has signs up around the lake saying not to take the fish in three differant languages. The old greengrocers has been replaced by a polish shop and there is a polish take away.

Happy days of the excitement of a million tench bubbles coming up around my orange quill on a misty June morning won't be seen by the young locals now.

The police do nothing, what can they as all of a sudden no one knows a word of English. But who's the greedy one, the one taking the fish n game or the landowner reaping the rewards of the cheap labour.

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Every ones too keen to accuse Eastern Europeans of taking carp, poaching with airguns, driving without tax and insurance behaving in an antisocial way in our towns and cities but as I police officer said to me a few months ago we have no evidence at all to suggest that Eastern Europeans are nothing but decent law abiding citizens that we should welcome into our society with open arms.

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Carp is traditional fish for christmas in poland, I think some time ago carp was important fish in england.

As far as I am aware pols dont eat swans. (There is always someone od) but further east they do. Lithuania ns romanians.

as for fish yes fresh water fish is main catch.

I know for fact that there is massive amount of ignorants poles who dont obey rules and pouch animals.

Bests approach is call police asap.

And who told you Lithuanians and Romanians eat swans? On which ground are you making this statement?

In both Lithuania and Romania, fresh water fish is a very important source of food, especially in Romania, where the Danube Delta fed the romanians for thousands of years. But this doesn't make romanian and lithuanians poachers , and from here to eating swans, is a long way...

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as is the way of all threads on this forum this one has gone completely off track so I will now leave it.not all east Europeans are poachers or criminals but those who are caught red handed and taken to court are I am afraid the same as our home grown ones.

did not realise they were stuck here.poor devils

Edited by bostonmick
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