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Which hide net??


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For a cheap and great hide that doesn't flap about unnaturally in the wind and blends into all cover perfect try this;

Go down the garden centre and get some green plastic mesh (the thick stuff that's like fencing about 40mm wide mesh)

Fasten it with Zip type cable ties if you need to get the correct height for your requirement

Now I permanently attach the poles again with cable ties but I use it for the marsh were I often have to re-locate fast with the tide.


All you do is erect the net and gather up some of what is around you and fold it into the squares, its real quick and you don't need 100% coverage just break up the outline of you inside.


Add a few short string ties here and there and you can add an odd branch or bush, but be aware of the landowners wishes when it comes to cutting stuff.


Rip it all out at the end of the session or leave a bit in to start you off next time

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  • 5 weeks later...

I enjoy hide building nearly as much as the shooting.

I have ghost, stealth and MOD netting built up over time and like recon I believe there is no time wasted in preparation whether that be hide building, setting a pattern or making your packed lunch.

I try and blend in with the environment as per these examples.


post-51245-0-22821000-1391595201_thumb.jpgand this one

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Wow, that's some pretty impressive hides there TDRsniper!


However I still think the most important thing is the movement behind it. I've seen so many wally's with a half decent hide with their entire head exposed and moving around and the top of their gun waggling about like submarine's periscope and the pigeons coming in and turning around way a shot is presented.

But again, wow, those hides are good!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Seen a few 5 metre Ghost camo nets on fleabay .. one is around £25 inclusive of postage .. anyone bought and used one?


Id spend a bit more but the fact my kitchen ceiling has caved in due to the "internally fitted soil pipe leaking, and readjusting my ceiling by 8ft .... "l'm preempting it causing substantial damage to my wallet ...

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I enjoy hide building nearly as much as the shooting.

I have ghost, stealth and MOD netting built up over time and like recon I believe there is no time wasted in preparation whether that be hide building, setting a pattern or making your packed lunch.

I try and blend in with the environment as per these examples.


attachicon.gifimage.jpgand this one

Those hides look good, but it's not really necessary to make them 'disappear'.

in order to apply effective camouflage & concealment always consider the 7 S's








Sudden movement


at least thats what i was taught during my basic training 15 years ago...........

That doesn't apply quite so much to pigeon shooting.

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Well shine, spacing and sound do not normally apply...........unless someone has a bald pate uncovered by a hat, there are far too many pigeon shooters out in separate hides and unless someone has '1970's Disco Fever' on the radio instead of Test Match Special.

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Well shine, spacing and sound do not normally apply...........unless someone has a bald pate uncovered by a hat, there are far too many pigeon shooters out in separate hides and unless someone has '1970's Disco Fever' on the radio instead of Test Match Special.

You talking about me again......you picking on my follicle challenged head???

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