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Which Whistle?

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I am wanting to train our new pup in the first instance to verbal, and hand signals, then incorporate a whistle.....there seems to loads on the market.......................I just wondered which one is most commonly used in gundog training, and how much roughly do they cost.


Also I have tried to find some training info on the net, and struggle to find any; other than ones you have to pay for...........


I am wanting to crack on with training even though he's only 10 weeks old, upto to know he has mastered the to sit with a raised hand signal, and "sit" which seems a good indication to me that he's a bright dog, and is willing to learn.


what do you think???




cheer. :look:



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In reality Paul it does not matter which whistle you use, in theory you could use a referees whistle to the same effect. As long as you are consistent with it and don't chop and change, use whichever whistle you want. I chose the 212 because that's what Ian Openshaw recommends on one of the DVDs I have as he finds the dogs respond to it a bit better

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Now now Cranfield. As you can see from my avatar the whistle I have actually makes my cocker fly back to me when I blow it :look:



In all seriousness though. The 212 is a very good whistle it's nice and quiet, and has a good pitch. The key to using a whistle is to use it consistently. Regardless if 5 other people in the beating line have the same whistle, your dog will differentiate yours from the rest

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Paul, I use along with 90% of the world a ACME but it has its drawbacks. You can't blow fully on it as it will whistle out. I was told the ones made out of antlers can be blown hard as you can with no loss of sound but obviously they are more expensive.


BTW when the whistle gets dirty put it in the dishwasher and it will sound like new :look:






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Ultimately I want the dog to respond to a series of whistles when out in the feild, rather than bawling ..."SIT"..".FETCH"......"DOWN"...whilst out having an enjoyable walked-up shoot!!.......................


I too am a novice when I comes to gundog training, and am not quite sure how do this yet...........hence all the questions :yp: :look:

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Ultimately I want the dog to respond to a series of whistles when out in the feild, rather than bawling ..."SIT"..".FETCH"......"DOWN"...whilst out having an enjoyable walked-up shoot!!.......................


I too am a novice when I comes to gundog training, and am not quite sure how do this yet...........hence all the questions :yp: :look:


ok cheers paul.

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Common whistle commands are stop, turn left or right and return to handler.







arr thats what its for mine must be broke when ever i blow mine the dog still does as he pleases


210 1/2 for no response ? :look:

+ referee whistle for when he ignores me :yp:

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The Acme ones are great. And have seen them used to brilliant effect in all sorts of weather conditions.


For some reason unbeknown to me I'm currently using a no-brand "silent" whistle. It's working fine at the moment so I'm sticking with it. Abbie's recalling, sitting and sitting at distance to whistle. Wheher this is going to prove to be a mistake at a later date I don't know.


To be honest you're going to get "good" whistles and "bad" whistles, but as long as your dog can hear it, you're consistant with your commands you can't really go wrong.

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I use a 2101/2 for my spaniel as that what was recomended, it doesn't really matter as the dog will learn to recognise your whistle and how you blow it.


If you do use the ACME type then buy 2, have one which is always round your neck and the aother in the glove box in your car. At least when you get up late and rush to a shoot you won't have left your only whistle hanging on the hook in the kitchen.

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I use a 2101/2 for my spaniel as that what was recomended, it doesn't really matter as the dog will learn to recognise your whistle and how you blow it.


If you do use the ACME type then buy 2, have one which is always round your neck and the aother in the glove box in your car. At least when you get up late and rush to a shoot you won't have left your only whistle hanging on the hook in the kitchen.



Definatley on this one, as I have fallen in the mud when wildfowling and got my whistle covered and had my "spare" under my coat. Also lost on when ruff shooting and found it very handy to have the second one ready when I get back to the car.



Trev. Ps mine are 211 1/2 and so is my mates and it can confuese the dogs when we are both using the same one.

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