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Dominant eye


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Just purchased a new gun, Benelli semi auto, model Montefertro.

Went today to local clay ground to plate gun. After a few adjustments i still seemed to be off the mark, i then closed my left eye and was spot on.

I was tested for dominance in the eyes and found to have a dominant Left eye, I am a right handed shooter.

It was suggested that i wear a patch?

I wpould like to know if any others have come across this and if so what is the remedy?

I never seemed to have a problem when in the field with my o/u.

Any idaes? :yp:

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I also have the same problem, right hand shooter with a left dominant eye. i have tried a few things like wearing an eye patch, and closing my left eye evan tried shooting off my left shoulder.


I find closing my left eye is the best remedy for shooting game, but for shooting clays i wear a clear pair of glasses with a small piece of sellotape fixed to the centre of the left lense to block the left eye from focusing on the target. The tape does not have to cover the lense totally, a piece about 1cm x 2cm does the trick just enought to cover your eye. It has to be a non clear sellotape.

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Ask pavman, he’s got a dominant eye, sits on it most of the day, talks out of it a lot and wrecks his dogs senses on occasion :yp:


On a serious note I wouldn't do anything too drastic to start with. A few 'professionals' use the left hand thumb and finger to block their vision down the barrels, some people use an eye patch or a blank lens in their shooting glasses and there are plenty of theories but at the end of the day I think it's something you can overcome...mind over matter.

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Ask pavman, he’s got a dominant eye, sits on it most of the day, talks out of it a lot and wrecks his dogs senses on occasion ???


On a serious note I wouldn't do anything too drastic to start with. A few 'professionals' use the left hand thumb and finger to block their vision down the barrels, some people use an eye patch or a blank lens in their shooting glasses and there are plenty of theories but at the end of the day I think it's something you can overcome...mind over matter.


I expect nothing less :yp:




Link to the easy hit bead i have to use one Bryn they are very good

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Im the same and just close the left eye.


Just a question with a right eye dominance right hand shooter when you look down the barrel are you looking straight down it as in if you close your left eye not much changes?


I was thinking of learning again off my left shoulder but whatever shoulder i shoot off i seem to be looking down the side of the barrel.


Thinking of tryin out shooting glasses i dont shoot clays at all just game so whats the best i was thinking clear i think the yellow might annoy me or interchangable lenes but if i get cheap ones of those they'll prob be rubbish


anyone recommend best value for money ones?

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Several years ago as part of a corporate hospitality event I was invited to a "forum followed by country persuits"event organised by one of our main suppliers.


Following a load of blurb in the morning and an excellent lunch, we were split up into groups to partake of the following activities. Air rifle, Shotgun, Quad bike, and off road driving.


I was in the first group for off roading, and volunteered to go first as I had some experience. I followed the instructors directions exactly and completed the circuit almost faultlessly. The next driver however did less well, and managed to get the discovery stuck upto its sills. The instuctor got all panicky when he realised that he had seen the farmer driving off site, and therefore no tractor and three other groups!!!.


I volunteered to walk the two miles or so back to the car park and return with my shogun. This I did and recovered the discovery no problem. There were trophies for best performance in each subject, now you would have thought that such an act was worthy of recognition, but not so.


On to the shot gun stand; I followed the instructor and was pleased with my effort. I didnt win a trophy, but what the hell this shotguning was bloody brilliant.


The day in question was a Wednesday, on the Saturday, I was in a well known gun shop, accompanied by my wallet and on of my employees who held a shotgun certificate. I very kindly bought him a nice Beretta, which he allowed me to borrow when we went shooting clays. He very kindly gave me the gun when my own certificate came through.


I know that by this time you are all saying get to the point, well I shall, but you see, this eye dominance thing has cursed my shooting for years.


I quickly learned that the targets used at the corporate day were quite easy. I had been shown to shoot with my left eye closed. My friend was trying to teach me with both eyes open, with disasreous results. At one stage, if someone had suggested standing with one leg in a bucket of urine and the other in a bucket of white wash, I would have tried it!


Some one suggested that I may be left eye dominant, and that I should try shooting off my left shoulder; try though I did, it was ****!


I tried squinting, closing one eye, vaselene smeared onto glasses, sellotape on glasses, insulation tape on glasses. I even sent to America for a gadget called magic dot, this did offer some degree of improvement, but still frustration. One day whilst surfing the internet I came across a flourescent gun site called unidot, I read the testimonials and thought that it was too good to be true. I measured the guns rib and ordered one. In less than I week the sight was received, fitted and tried. Oh what a difference, this thing does work! No modified specs or other mess, just better shooting, clays, pigeons rabbits, anything.


Not surprisingly, this eye dominance thing has become a pet subject over the years, and I am pleased to have been able to assist many other shooters who are aflicted with the same problem.


I recently read an article in the BASC magazine about eye dominance and found that it brought together all of my conclusions perfectly, except that the unidot sight was probably the best cure.


Sadly my Mum died a few weeks ago, so on Saturday I found myself in Bamfords, armed with all the necessary and my eye on one of the new Beretta Silver Pigeon IVs. Whilst trying the gun, I could not believe my eyes, the dominance had aparently gone. The gun was fitted with a very slim flourescent sight, and I simply thought that it was acting in the same manner as the unidot had done on my other guns.


On Sunday evening, with the aid of my son, I found thearticle , and read it again. I went through the three test methods that he describes. EURIKA

At certain ages eye dominance can change, and mine has. Fantastic, I am now right handed and right eye dominant. I took the new gun to Kelbrook yesterday and shot better than I ever have; thank you god!


Wether or not it is likeley to revert; time will tell!


What experiences have other shooters had with cross eye dominance?







how the hell did you hit that!




I have copied the above post from some years ago. Unfortunatley my eye dominance problem has returned, and I'm now back with the trusty unidot sight.



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??? I am also right handed and left eye dominant. ???


I have learned to shoot from my left shoulder and that has helped allot. But I learned to shoot from my left shoulder years before I new I was left eye dominant due to the fact that I can not for the life of me close my right eye on it's own.(like winking) when I was a young lad shooting air rifles I thaught that you cloased one eye when looking through the scope of a gun. Now I have learned that you should allways keep both eyes open :lol: .


but I am stuck in that rut now I have learned to shoot left handed and I allways close my right eye when Im shooting. I know that is a no no but thats how Im comfortuble shooting now.


the only thing that Pi**es me of now is the fact that I am limited to what gun I can buy due to some of the gun company's not catering for left handed shooters. and the ones that do make guns with left hand stocks charge extra for them :yp: :P


rant over :)


kipper :D

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can any one tell me the tests please.


Couldn't be more simple...you can do this just by pointing with your finger BUT it's more accurate to take a CD and hold it in your right hand at arms length. Look through the hole and focus on an object in the middle distance with both eyes open. Now close your left eye. What happens? If you can still see the object through the hole no worries BUT if it's moved you're likely left eye dominant!

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I'm also left eye dominant and right handed and only been shooting a few times, the guy teaching me said to just close my left eye whereas my other friend who has the same problem was told to learn to shoot left handed.


Which is best?


I'm most comfortable right handed and was going to get one of those Easyhit things when I get my own gun.


Are these Easyhit things the same as the Unidot?


Is it just a case of what suits you (sir) or is there a 'best' or 'easiest' method.

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There are various tests. I prefer the make a circle with your fingers and look through it at an object with both eyes open. Assuming that you are right handed, close your left eye, if the object has moved you are left eye dominant.


Another method that I use is to use a gun, unloaded of course. as above, take aim with both eyes open on a distant object; maintain the aim and close the left eye, if the aim is lost, you are left eye dominant. Just do the oposite if yopu are left handed and right eye dominant suspect.


Not everyone is totaly left or right eye dominant, therefore having more of a central vision. In either case I can highly recommend the unidot sight as it will force you to mount your head and eye correctly with little if any effort. Please PM me for further details.



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I've got a slight eye dominace problem too - or perhaps, I'm just a **** shot. However, I do wear contact lenses & have recently been thinking about experimenting with removing my left lens before shooting. It will blur the vision, very slightly, in the left & (hopefully) make my right eye properly dominant.


I'll let you know how I get on, and if sucessful, will make my fortune selling blurry lenses.


On the other hand, I'll probably still be **** & will have to blame something else.




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I've got a slight eye dominace problem too - or perhaps, I'm just a **** shot. However, I do wear contact lenses & have recently been thinking about experimenting with removing my left lens before shooting. It will blur the vision, very slightly, in the left & (hopefully) make my right eye properly dominant.


I'll let you know how I get on, and if sucessful, will make my fortune selling blurry lenses.


On the other hand, I'll probably still be **** & will have to blame something else.






That is a very good idea indeed, whats your prescription?


I'm tempted to try the same thing but with a -6.00 it may well be TOO blurry..... :angry:

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