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Which to go for ???

bang bang birdy

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The mrs is going to be getting me some new Wellies for my birthday. I wear them every day mostly for dog training ,walking and shooting

Have my eye on harkila forester, hunter balmoral and aigle parcours

What are your experiences with these boots

Thanks BBB

From my experience such things are more for occasional wear, worn every day for proper use I have found they last about the same time as cheaper well made though less / non branded boots. Marketing spend makes up a big part of the costs.

That said "worn every day" means different things to different people and walking down a gravel path is a lot different than through muddy fields with stock in

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My boots get worn and used, blackthorn, brambles, wild roses, gorse, barbed wire, nails, glass and every assorted debris you can think of (it never ceases to amaze me the **** that turns up is the middle of the most scenic woodland, etc), the expensive puncture just as easy as the cheap.


Without doubt some of the more expensive boots have better liners and are more comfortable, but that is easy to get round with long warm welly socks.


£10 down the DIY stores, (or less if I get them when I'm in France - and they tend to do them in half sizes).


ATB with your choice!



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