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Advice on gun cleaning


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I was wondering if anyone can help. I bought my gun about 2 months ago, second hand from a gun dealer. It was only proofed in 2012, so its not an old gun. When I bought it it was SPOTLESS. I have had under 1000 carts through it since it has been mine (it must have had way more than that through it by its previous owner) but I can't clean it back to the condition it was in when I bought it. I even keep it in a special sleeve designed to stop corrosion while stored. I have uploaded photos of the problem areas and the cleaning equipment I have. Am I doing something wrong, or have I missed something? I clean it after EVERY use. The photos have been taken straight after a clean. Thank you for any help. Sorry to sound like such a girl, but its my prize possession.









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Its not loose, went on Amazon and ordered some of the Hoppes no 9 stuff, won't arrive till April 10th though! I dont know what the staining is, rust or what. Can't take any better pics really. I have tried using the wire bit for the cleaning rob to scrub it but it didn't help. Thanks for the advice so far.

Edited by OJW
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A Brown scotch brite pad will clean the face of the action with some 009 on it. Looking at the first pic, the top ejector looks like it has some pitting on the rim that rests against the rim of the cartridge, that indicates that it has been rusty in the past. As for the light rust on the face of the ejectors and around the breech, a Dremel tool with a small circular wire brush attachment will remove that in no time. Apply a very thin smear of grease on the surface of these parts after cleaning to prevent the rust returning.



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Thanks guys,


Churchill - when you say 009 do you mean the Hoppes No 9 stuff? And do you know where a cheap place to buy a Dremel tool is? Im not sure what a brown sctoch brite pad is but will google it. Bit annoying that they hid the fact it had rusted in the past.


Subsoniccat - No it isn't sticky. I could try that anyway.

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I'v had different types of cart through it, can't recall all the makes as some are just randoms bought from clay grounds Olympus rings a bell and the carts Bisley sell in a black box, the ones I used before this photo were Eley VIP 32g 6.

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I was wondering if anyone can help. I bought my gun about 2 months ago, second hand from a gun dealer. It was only proofed in 2012, so its not an old gun. When I bought it it was SPOTLESS. I have had under 1000 carts through it since it has been mine (it must have had way more than that through it by its previous owner) but I can't clean it back to the condition it was in when I bought it. I even keep it in a special sleeve designed to stop corrosion while stored. I have uploaded photos of the problem areas and the cleaning equipment I have. Am I doing something wrong, or have I missed something? I clean it after EVERY use. The photos have been taken straight after a clean. Thank you for any help. Sorry to sound like such a girl, but its my prize possession.









hi OJ


I think you may have red finger!


I have red finger!


dont panic its not contagious,


I started life as an engineer at british steel, in s****horpe


before you were allowed in the tool rooms they tested you for 'red finger'


you had to 'draw' a piece of mild steel and place your finger on the raw metal [draw= file a metal blank to expose fresh steel]


you came back two weeks later and on mine you could see my finger print in rust.


I was banned from the tool room!! :yes:


looking at the marks on the top of the barrels, it looks like red finger


i.e. you have a high salt content in your sweat B)


so avoid touching raw metal and keep oiled :lol: [ the gun , not you]




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Thanks guys,


Churchill - when you say 009 do you mean the Hoppes No 9 stuff? And do you know where a cheap place to buy a Dremel tool is? Im not sure what a brown sctoch brite pad is but will google it. Bit annoying that they hid the fact it had rusted in the past.


Subsoniccat - No it isn't sticky. I could try that anyway.

The 009 is a nitro powder solvent by Parker Hale, but the stuff stinks. Or i use Youngs 303 which is a combined cleaner, powder solvent and rust preventer.

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I wouldn't worry too much - just be sure to keep it very lightly oiled. I wouldn't use abrasive as its in an area where fit needs to be (virtually) exact. I certainly wouldn't use wirewool. Wirewool sheds tiny little bits - that get everywhere. They are quite soft iron and are absolute magnets for rust once the factory coating gives up. Its fine for tasks where you can be 100% sure of getting all the bits out (e.g. when refinishing a stock), but used there it will get in the ejector spring recesses, under the ejectors and everywhere!

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