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rabbits with 17 HMR


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hi all,


hit a new permission Tuesday night with a new calibre. Have recently picked up permission shooting a commercial property fairly close to home (my nearest permission by nearly 2 hours driving!) that is only cleared for 17 HMR, no .22 or anything else.


I have never shot 17 HMR before and was interested to see if it lived up to the hype especially seeing as I have just purchased one and am awaiting its arrival (cz thumbhole 455)


We arrived about 22:30 and walked the perimeter of the property just to make sure there were no people about and to reacquaint ourselves with the layout, its about 70 acres of mainly grassland. The first couple of furry customer presented themselves but after 2 shots and 2 misses we began to suspect the zero had shifted on the rifle we were using. I was pleasantly surprised that the bunnies didn't bolt from the sound of the 17 and it was bloody loud and echoey!

A quick 3 round re zero and yeah the rifle was about 3 inches high and left at 100 yards.


After that it was like shooting (furry) fish in a barrel, I absolutely lovey the flat trajectory of the 17 and the punch you get from it. We were knocking over bunnies from 30 to a 100 yards plus with no aim off whatsoever. Everything we hit went down and stayed down humanely.


Here is what I took away from 2 hours lamping, could of and should of been a few more - better luck next week when we are back again.








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Not a bad start there.


Sounds like they have never been shot.

If that's the case normally they will be out during the day light hours, anything from 15:00, and you should get a few visits before they go fully nocturnal.

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a dawn raid might be in order.


Try the last hour of day light and be in position for first light.


Last year I hammered the bunnies on one perm to the point where there was nothing showing at any time. Driving past the same perm early morning a week ago and it looked like watership down was being filmed there (early morning here I come .22lr at the ready).

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I shot 24 rabbits in one 15 acre field in 40 minutes from the truck a few days ago.

That was with the HMR. I think they are fantastic and if you don't make too much other noise you won't scare them off.

Just got to be smart with the lamp.


what do you mean by smart with the lamp? always interested in tips and tricks from the more experienced amongst us.





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When I drive into the field I give it a quick flash round to see where they are then if I need to move to get them I try and do it with the lamp off. If I can't see where I'm going I'll have it on but not at them. Then it goes on just before the shot and off straight after.

If others then start to run move the lamp in front of them and I find that will often stop them in their tracks. I will then leave it on but steadily move it towards them and shoot as soon as they are in the lamp. If you chase them with the lamp they will keep running.

I use red lamps and find this method works for me. Of course some rabbits are more nervous than others and you may need to adapt the way you shoot.

The biggest mistakes I've seen is using the lamp too much and being too slow when taking the shot. If it's in the cross hairs pull the trigger! The more you dither the more chance you'll have of it running off.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Glad you like the hummer! Odd that the ground is cleared for .17hmr and not .22lr . I've not come across this in Norfolk / Suffolk.

Why ?


I've just re- read your OP to double check and you state ".....no 22 or anything else" so I guess this includes .22lr?

Edited by Whitebridges
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Thanks terry,


With regard to the .22 lr clearance the FLO has definitely stipulated it's cleared only for 17 hmr. You can see a fairly busy airport from this permission and there is a runway next to it behind some trees so the only reason I can think of is that a 17 round wouldn't make it through there but a 22 might? That's a guess though.

The FLO in question is great, really supportive ad knowledgable so if she's done it it must be for a good reason

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