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Laid Barley

marsh man

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Today I saw quite a lot of winter barley knocked down after last nights heavy rain and strong winds, at the moment there wouldn't be too much grain in the ears but in a couple of weeks I am sure pigeons will start taking a liking to it and hopefully start producing a bit of sport. Have you got any down in your neck of the woods yet ?

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Saw some birds along the A1079 York road this afternoon sat on power lines over barley fields, a possible indication they are showing intrest.

I will watch my Barley as often as i can from now on.

A bit early perhaps but both Rape and Barley seem very well infront up here.

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I had a good look around the farms today and found one barley field with some decent laid patches . Had a check of the ears ,but not yet milky . I shall keep a close eye on this field . Should get some shooting from this field .

I even charged up my magnate battery in anticipation of shooting some laid cereals .I only use a magnate on laid corn . I find they can work quite well if put in the tram lines next to a laid patch and kept low and just above the standing corn .



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Saw some birds along the A1079 York road this afternoon sat on power lines over barley fields, a possible indication they are showing intrest.

I will watch my Barley as often as i can from now on.

A bit early perhaps but both Rape and Barley seem very well infront up here.

Another good sign of birds on cereals is seeing lots of them gritting up on the side of the road . They need the extra grit to digest the corn .



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On top of the Cotswolds the barley is only just beginning to come into ear. I suspect that it will be another month before the ears fill out enough to be of interest to pigeons.

When I was looking around last night I saw a field of winter wheat with ears on, which was very early , and now most of the flower is off the rape and the first signs of small areas knocked down, things are now moving very quick with the rain and warm conditions

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So when on laid barley I imagine you have to sit down and use the crop as cover or do you still build a hide. Does it depend on where it's laid. The estate I work on has quite a bit of barley.



When cereal crops are laid it is usually in wind trap areas......on the edge of headlands where the wind is disrupted and swirls about...and with the rain it then lodges....as there are no long straw varieties about now you dont often see it in the middle of the fields unless it is in an area where it has been over fertilized......so it is best to set up near the lodged areas in the hedge....personally i use a flapper on an extension piece and a few deeks on pegs on the lodged area.........other shooters swear by a magnet for this decoying time........this is one of my favourite times of the year for decoying, cause there are alot of this years birds about that have not become savvy and also it is the start of a different food cycle for the the older more wise birds.........



you can either set up with a small blind or use some good camo clothes and a veil............and KEEP STILL

Edited by ditchman
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