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:lookaround: bloody hell, were england playing tonight ? i thought i had hit some obscure channel on sky called " over paid tossers factor club more than country idol " . what a shambles but it will never get any better, the misfits seem to think they deserve an england shirt because the feature in hello or ok magazine.

it will be thirty years before the english football team win anything other than dogging awards or most mentions in the news of the world.

basically because the fa is outdated and run by complete ladies front bottoms.

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The FA should have appointed big sam, no some ginger "yes" man with as much passion for the game as a squid!


I was pleased with Joey Barton, I would like to see him have a decent run, we need some fight in the team!


The game was a shambles, we didnt and dont ever look like scoring, Andy J and Defoe need a fair crack in the team .... look to the future and not the past Mr mac ....... praying for Owens return is silly!

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What has happened to the national team lately?


Absolute pants!!


Get rid of McClaren for a start. He's ****!




I think we are stuck with this muppet until we fail to qualify for the euro. the FA are still pay Sven £13K pr day until his contract runs out in 2008 :lookaround::lookaround::whistling:



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Its difficult to understand why Crouch can't seem to head a ball with any power, or get above the defense, without leaning all over them.

Its his height that gets him in the team, but he doesn't seem to know how to use it.


Interesting how the Match of the Day pundits never said a word against England's worse player.....Wright-Phillips, I suppose his dad sitting in the studio didn't help. :lol::lol:


McClaren was moaning about "all" the players England were missing, when pressed he only named Rooney, Terry and Owen.

I don't think Terry was missed, Owen may never be back to his old self again and we can't keep relying on Rooney (although he is brilliant).

So, we have another England manager that has no imagination, why not bring back Beckham ?

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That's right blame the manager.


It has got nothing to do with the 11 overpaid ****** on the pitch who are more worried about their hair gel and what car they are going to drive tomorrow, than representing their country.


That is why we are always getting our butts kicked at every level.


I hate football


Ihate football

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That's right blame the manager.


It has got nothing to do with the 11 overpaid ****** on the pitch who are more worried about their hair gel and what car they are going to drive tomorrow, than representing their country.


That is why we are always getting our butts kicked at every level.


I hate football


Ihate football




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