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What a bunch of woofters!


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To right, I have watched it a couple of times on the TV and its a hard game. Its similiar to shinty which as I am sure you know is played in parts of Scotland.


Indeed I do Know of the game Shinty' and it is indeed similar to Hurling.I have a couple of friends who have even been across to Scotland to participate in the game.I have also seen a few games on The TV before.It is a very Good game, But With Respect I dont it matches the High Tempo,Skill level and physicality of Hurling. The only other game I could liking it to would be Ice hockey' But of Course ice hockey players are well padded up' In Hurling and Gaelic football its shoulder to shoulder and muscle to muscle. No shin pads are worn in either sport either,socks rolled down to the ankles.


I was pretty handy at Both games when I was younger' but preferred the Hurling and I represented Ulster in a select Side that played in Croke park in front of 80'000 spectators on An all Ireland Senior Championship day. We played at the intervals. I also have a 2inch scare on my Chin that was the result of a slap with a Hurl during a game' this was before helmets and face guards became compulsory to make the game a bit safer to play. I got my chinned stitched by an old War Doctor who didnt even freeze the wound first.

My competitive career ended when I was 19 due to a RTA and after I got back on my feet i done my Right Cruciate playing Soccer would you Believe.


Anyhow thanks for the reply' I just thought I would mention the Games as i am Hearing they are getting a lot of good reviews on the likes of Twitter and facebook "I dont use either" by people from the UK who have Seen them for the first time' since they became available on SKY.

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Saw a quote today....

Football is 90 minutes pretending you're hurt

Rugby is 80 minutes pretending you're unhurt!

i do remember playing a game once when i got a proper cut eye and it swelled that much i couldn't see a thing out of it then spent the rest of the game trying to hide it from the ref always scratching my forehead every time i was near to him hoping he wouldn't see it,

coordination goes to pot though missed a few easy passes lol



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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't follow football at all. But from what I have seen on TV, (on the odd occasion where It is in front of me and I can't find the remote...) it's a joke!

I once saw the "New manager" of some club in the UK talking during a press conference, and from memory, there were either subtitles, or an interpreter converting his "Mother tongue" into English!! Does that not say a lot!!? In my previous employment, that would be called a "potential for a conflict of interest"!! But what does that matter, as long as the money keeps churning in....


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The latest Admirer of The Game of Hurling' I just Wonder Does One view pigeon Watch..? And did She Read my Post :lol:


Well it is infinitely more interesting and manly than football. I read an article recently that said nearly 200 Englishmen were admitted to hospital after participating in an Irish sports day where they tried Hurling and Gaelic Football. They didn't think a contact sport would actually involve contact lol



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I know its not really on topic but (ramble starts)


I really would like to see the spray line being used in the football leagues and I would beg to extend it to linesmen to mark where the throw in is to be taken (that level of basic cheating really annoys me!)- start small instill discipline and give the referees more power to command the game - give referees the ability to directly fine players they consider to be cheating, without appeal from the clubs! - In fact make the referees wealthy - take a 10% tithe of all players (including subs) wages and give it to the officials, that way they are wealthy men in charge of wealthy boys and may attract more ex players to stick around as refs


(ramble ends)

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Saw a quote today....

Football is 90 minutes pretending you're hurt

Rugby is 80 minutes pretending you're unhurt!

yeah thats right thick headed rugby players never pretend do they?



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