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Are Speed Controls Needed ?

marsh man

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Over a year ago my speed control gave up the ghost on my magnet , I carried on using it at the speed it was set and to tell you the truth I didn't notice any difference with the pigeons reaction when it came to the set up , if the magnet have pulled the pigeon in range then to me it has done its job and then its up to me weather I can finish the job off. I know that different models would run at slightly different speeds but they were all made to do the same job. I did buy a new speed controller from the good guys at A A Decoys at the Fenland fair last year and up to now I couldn't be bothered to use it. I know there are days when whatever you do don't work and other days you can get away with cutting corners and still have a decent day. So what I am asking you guys out there do you think it is really needed and is it something you couldn't do without ?

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I have never used a speed controller, having said that my magnets are homemade with car wiper motors. I just run them as fast as they will go with dead birds on, i sometimes think they look stupidly fast but the pigeons still come to it. The faster the better i would say.


From what i understand a controller is useful when trying to make your battery last a bit longer.

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I am also I believer that faster is better normally 45 rpm, got a magnet that does 31rpm tried all things to speed it up.

but it still looks wrong to me , and the pigeon ,

the faster magnet for me, anyway is better got remote speed controller dosent work tidy tho

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My magnet does 33 rpm and I would like it to go faster. However a speed controller is just another bit of kit to go wrong so I don't think I will bother.


The real question is how fast can I get the manual flapper from Ditchman to work?

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Perhaps you need a teenage lad who has been in 'training' so to speak, to really get the manual flapper flying?


My magnet does 33 rpm and I would like it to go faster. However a speed controller is just another bit of kit to go wrong so I don't think I will bother.


The real question is how fast can I get the manual flapper from Ditchman to work?

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Speed controllers are a waste of money , just run the magnet as fast as it will go.

My magnet does 33 rpm and I would like it to go faster. However a speed controller is just another bit of kit to go wrong so I don't think I will bother.


The real question is how fast can I get the manual flapper from Ditchman to work?


You need to pull the string instead of pulling the other one !

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There does seem to be a variation in the speed of rotaries, I have three and they are all different.

I do use a speed controller on two of them, as I believe they are too fast.

I also slow down the speed on very windy days and when I am using rooks on the rotary.

As I use hypaflaps most of the time, that does make the rotary go much faster than dead birds, due to the weight difference.


If you look at any of the pigeon shooting videos , you see a wide range of speeds being used, some are like helicopters about to take off and others are barely moving, all seem to be pulling in the pigeons though.

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My magnet does 33 rpm and I would like it to go faster. However a speed controller is just another bit of kit to go wrong so I don't think I will bother.


The real question is how fast can I get the manual flapper from Ditchman to work?

I am sure after looking at the proto type middle of the field hide project you posted the other day you have got the brains and commitment to go in your shed or parlour and construct a cheap mechanical device to do the work for you, if it goes to fast I have got a brand new speed control you can have,...... or there is always Mrs JDog but that might be taking it a bit to far...

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Pigeons seem to not commit once the rotary battery starts to die and the rpm noticeably changes.

There are other factors that come in to it as lines do drop off but in the past I have taken half charged batteries by mistake and noticed twice the lack of interest.....

Both of my home made machines use car windscreen motors making around 43 rpm on the low speed setting of the motor, as the second speed is to fast!

These last 3 seasons I use a 17amp battery despite the weight the machine keeps up top speed all day...


I have a controller for the odd day on the crows and only use 1 arm on the machine with a counter weight on the other side.



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