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Countryfile Poll

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Guest stevo

Funny how the rspb . Is having a moan . It wasn't long ago they ordered the cull of 250 deer on there Suffolk estate ...... but I spose thats fine !!!

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I don't want to pee on your chips but its kind of pointless to vote via a link from PW as it will be obvious that a group with a vested interest has picked up on it.


If you want your vote to counted and not be disregarded as a 'campaign' by shooters then find the poll via a search engine.

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I don't want to pee on your chips but its kind of pointless to vote via a link from PW as it will be obvious that a group with a vested interest has picked up on it.


If you want your vote to counted and not be disregarded as a 'campaign' by shooters then find the poll via a search engine.


Or use this link.. http://www.dereferrer.de/http://www.countryfile.com/poll/does-shooting-indu



Edited by MartynGT4
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I've voted from a clean link.

Two things that the comments on the poll reveal. One is just how ignorant and ill-informed many opponents of shooting are. The other is the ease with which the RSPB is allowed to accuse gamekeepers of persecuting Raptors on Grouse moors without, at the same time, being asked to provide evidence to back up their accusations.


As for the assertion by one one comment that it must have been shooters who took Opreys from their nest, well, a camera was set up on one Osprey nest and it was found that a Buzzard was taking them

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