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Still can not down a goose with my front stuffer!


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The safest way is to use a worm. A wood screw basically adapted to fit the rammer or other rod and screw it into the top card and roll the shot out. Shoot the powder off if a fibre wad is in there.

If as me using just a few cards as a main wad I have to add more to stop them flipping without any shot in front when shooting a blank.


Many muzzleloader shooters leave the gun loaded but remove or facilitate that all forms of ignition is removed until the next hunt. Only under special conditions I will contemplate this method!


I will now go and put my armour on for the possible incoming!



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So what about in that situation of one barrel in a possible hang fire and the other fired, do you just decap the unfired barrel and treat it as safe whilst loading the empty chamber?

In the video the first barrel failed. The cap failed, quite rare to have a cap fail! You see me inspect it. I can't help but think the outcome would of been much different if not for that cap!

I have a piece of leather hanging from the trigger guard. I place this between the cap and hammer on the unfired barrel whilst reloading. No percussion can take place then.

A hang fire is when there is a long delay to discharge. Never had one, miss fire, plenty lol.


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When i first started muzzle loading on my own my first ever shot was on a rainy day and i experienced a serious hang fire.

Brought the gun up and pulled the trigger, hammer fell and the cap blasted.

The hang fire was long enough for me to have waited a few seconds and thought it was a misfire and begin to lower the gun when the main charge went off.


Like any shooting, make sure its pointing in a safe direction and its fine, though at the time it was scary. In my case i removed the nipple and drilled it out larger as the hole was very fine and was causing fowling to build up quickly.

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