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Went looking for a buck and came home with these

Rim Fire

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Went looking for a buck with my mate we got there about 6/30 pm he sat up one high seat in one field and i sat up in one in the next field around 7/30 a nice buck jumped the fence i checked him out with the bins and he was ok to shoot just as i was about to shoot i big boom went off then another and another the buck i was about to shoot jumped back over the fence i thought well i cant say what i thought anyway he rang me and said he had just shot these



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I have to ask, because it looks like it, but has he just shot the whole family group? If so not a good move if you want to continue to be able to shoot boar, Sows should never be shot and the one in the middle appears to be a sow, the other two are last years and this years young, the larger one also female as the year old boars get kicked out of the family group. Were there more small ones? If so you now have a bit of a problem as you have removed the leader and they will become very much like chav pigs, because there is no one to teach them.

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Trouble is the amount of damage they do on farmland is pretty bad. Also apart from male deer in rut you don't get many of your prey actually chasing you. An angry wild boor is not much fun. Thats why rotties were used for boor hunting years ago. Only breed daft enough to jump into a thicket and chase out a wild boor.

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I hope your mate has all the necessary permissions to shoot wild boar, because if he hasn't it is illegal to shoot them in the UK.



he's dead right

Wild boar are a former native species. They became re-established in the UK as a result of escapes and unlawful, deliberate releases. While some welcome them as a reintroduced species, they can cause significant damage to agricultural and other environmental interests.

Defra’s Feral Wild Boar Action Plan, published in 2008, states that primary responsibility for wild boar management lies with local communities and individual landowners. However, advice and guidance is available from Natural England and the Deer Initiative.

There are no specific legal restrictions governing how wild boar can be controlled, but they are given general protection against cruelty in certain circumstances by the Animal Welfare Act 2006 and the Wild Mammals (Protection) Act 1996.

The normal method used for controlling wild boar is by shooting them with a suitable and registered firearm. Police Firearms Licensing Branches normally require that the species is specifically listed on your firearms certificate before you may use a rifle to shoot the animals. Police guidance suggests a minimum calibre of .270 Winchester, its metric equivalent or larger for wild boar.

Wild boar can be dangerous and difficult to deal with at close quarters. Live trapping should only be done by someone who is trained and experienced. It is unlikely to be a practical control method in most circumstances.

In order to monitor the status of wild boar or feral pigs, any sightings should be reported to Natural England’s Wildlife Licensing Unit.

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As for the necerassy permission he has and allso i think they do know that they are in the forrest of DEAN and the 308 is a legal calliber to shoot them with allso the the bigger pigs both was sows and the other one was about 60lb in weight and he got all three and we are going out again tomorrow night

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Gordon Bennett. The thought patrol is here again.

Get 'm shot. Good on ya.


Sure some here are from old Russia's polit buearo !


Sporting photos! Should it not be shoot the photographer section!


Miserable muppets!


Good shots, nice n' clean, now send some my way please! My muzzleloader is screaming for a chance at one, ooops did I say that out loud!



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Gordon Bennett. The thought patrol is here again.

Get 'm shot. Good on ya.


Sure some here are from old Russia's polit buearo !


Sporting photos! Should it not be shoot the photographer section!


Miserable muppets!


Good shots, nice n' clean, now send some my way please! My muzzleloader is screaming for a chance at one, ooops did I say that out loud!



Thank you U they foeget when they shoot Fox cubs rabbits only the size of a tennis ball Pigeons when young still on the nest Muntjack with a fawrn hiding somewhere when you shoot a pig thats classed as a dangerous pest in an area where the are having a CULL because the piblic are complaining that they have been attacked its not right

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If you are refering to my post then you have completely missed my Point and have absoulutly no understanding of Boar, their Lifestyle and the way in which a Family Group exists. If there were other Young present, which I did ask about, but you failed to answer, you have just caused a Problem. I told you what the beasts in the Picture were, I kinew by looking because I have hunted Boar heer for over 20 years, and carefull managment is required, not an attitude of just shoot any old pig. If your Posts were aimed at me and you would like some managment instruction and tips on boar please do not hesitate to drop me a line.

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If you are refering to my post then you have completely missed my Point and have absoulutly no understanding of Boar, their Lifestyle and the way in which a Family Group exists. If there were other Young present, which I did ask about, but you failed to answer, you have just caused a Problem. I told you what the beasts in the Picture were, I kinew by looking because I have hunted Boar heer for over 20 years, and carefull managment is required, not an attitude of just shoot any old pig. If your Posts were aimed at me and you would like some managment instruction and tips on boar please do not hesitate to drop me a line.

As i said he shot all three and there is no management in this country they are classed as a pest and has to be shot on site there is no close season on pigs here we havent got the country you got over there so unless you know whats going on in this country please keep quiet

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Rim fire, they are not classed as a pest in the Uk, DEFRA have dragged their heels and as yet do not really not know what to do about them. Managment is just that, rather than messing with, and as it goes, yep I have hunted them in UK too, in a managed manner of course. Shall I still keep quiet?

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Look let me just say this one thing and i wont reply to anymore comments off you over here they are on farm land and the reason we got pemission is to stop them causing damage if we dont shoot them then he will got someone who will shoot them as for defra draging there heels i cant help that untill they sort it and put inplace a clossed season or a managment scheme we will keep on shooting them as i said they are having a CULL on them in this area and they wont be picking and choosing what they shoot

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