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Debt advice


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Maybe she should make an attempt to pay the money she owes.

How about all of the people who are getting all of this lovely free PPI money from the bank when most of them new exactly what they was signing up to ( oh I was talked in to it by some clever sales people nug nug wink wink ) Ha ho I have just got a big cheque paid for by the government giving money to stop them from closing down or should it be you and me.

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Maybe she should make an attempt to pay the money she owes.

It sounds like she has been trying,but because of her job situation and the government screwing up and overpaying her benefits she has been lumbered with a large debt mostly not of her making that realistically cannot be paid back,or would you rather we brought back poor houses for people like her to live in for the rest of her life while she pays her debt.




How about all of the people who are getting all of this lovely free PPI money from the bank when most of them new exactly what they was signing up to ( oh I was talked in to it by some clever sales people nug nug wink wink ) Ha ho I have just got a big cheque paid for by the government giving money to stop them from closing down or should it be you and me.

I got money back from my bank,I was advised to take insurance to protect me should I die as they knew I was a soldier,so I did the sensible thing and took it out,what they failed to tell me was that my insurance would not have paid out if I died in a theatre of war which was the most probable place I would die being a soldier.

The bank admitted straight away they had misssold to me over a long period of time.i trusted them to advise me,foolish,yes with hindsight.

Not everyone is just trying it on.

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Maybe she should make an attempt to pay the money she owes.


we've sat down and worked out her income and outgoing bills. She spends £12 a week on food! ( we are going to give her money/ home delivery) as we are 250 miles away so we know the Money goes on food.

She is £20 short of her outgoings every week, she would be better joining the benefit gang but our folks drummed into us from the start that there is no other option than to work! ( bless them)

She has no luxuries, my wife has never is devastated by what she lives on and realises now what a comfy life we have.

Hope that answers your question


Totally agree, thanks for reading the post thoroughly



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I'm a little confused by your post, if you mean that she still owes 11k to the dwp they aren't going to send her to prison, if it's thier fault then she offers to pay them a minimal amount and they accept, the prison threats are merely hot air so don't worry about them, there isn't a judge anywhere who will lock somebody up for not having the means to pay (refusing to pay is a different matter though). With regards to bailiffs unless things have changed drastically their own code of conduct tells them they shouldn't bother "vulnerable people" and being on means tested benefits makes you poor and hence a vulnerable person(I'm sure welsh one will correct me if I'm wrong on that). I have a very simple affidavit form I can send you whereby you declare all the goods in your house don't belong to your sister (if she moves in) . As mentioned by welsh1 they can't take anybody else's goods for your sister debts and this is just a legal document that saves all the huffing and puffing if ever the bailiffs do visit as the onus is on you to prove ownership of any goods and not the bailiffs. Statute barred debts are over 5 years old and cannot be reclaimed although anything to do with the dwp/dss doesn't come under that legislation so can't be made to dissapear so easily, I'll mention again that people only go to prison for refusing to pay debts and NOT for lacking the ability to pay which should remove some stress from the situation for her

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Twisted sanity

The 11k is for over paid income support/benefits, the letters stating she could go to prison is for one of her utility bills £750 for water,

Apologies for any confusion, this has been a crash course for me in the last few days before I go to Africa on Wednesday.

I'm aware the Government can't force her to pay for their mistake, but if she was to go onto benefits then they would take an agreed amount from her money each month.





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Well here's the update, we are applying for debt relief, as the bill is getting reduced by our parents, who are clearing her rent arrears and gas & electric & water, so this means she will keep her flat ( for the time been) we are trying to get meters fitted so she can use a card with credit for electric & gas.

So hopefully the pressure is off her, while we sort out the debt relief.


Again thanks to all



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we've sat down and worked out her income and outgoing bills. She spends £12 a week on food! ( we are going to give her money/ home delivery) as we are 250 miles away so we know the Money goes on food.

She is £20 short of her outgoings every week, she would be better joining the benefit gang but our folks drummed into us from the start that there is no other option than to work! ( bless them)

She has no luxuries, my wife has never is devastated by what she lives on and realises now what a comfy life we have.

Hope that answers your question Welsh1,

Totally agree, thanks for reading the post thoroughly


Hope you contacted the very excellent CapUK ( Christians against poverty) organisation. You will not find it on their website but they give food out to people who really need it........ I know this as do some of their deliveries! ..... I volunteer for them on their own food bank system. Edited by malkiserow
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If she came to reside with you nothing will appear on your credit file. No marker on the address etc there is no such thing. When a company checks your rating it is you they check nothing on your credit file will mention anyone else at your address

when my sister moved into her last house they got refused credit,


The previous owner had a string of bad debts which all showed up on the credit check on that address,


They had to go through some agency to prove it wasn't their debt.


There was a "sink estate" up here which by its reputation had you refused credit by the fact you lived there, (this was before they lent everyone and their brother money whether they could afford it or not)


This got to be such a problem for the few decent people that lived there that the council changed the name of the whole estate and street names.


It was known locally as "Giro City"



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when my sister moved into her last house they got refused credit, The previous owner had a string of bad debts which all showed up on the credit check on that address, They had to go through some agency to prove it wasn't their debt. There was a "sink estate" up here which by its reputation had you refused credit by the fact you lived there, (this was before they lent everyone and their brother money whether they could afford it or not) This got to be such a problem for the few decent people that lived there that the council changed the name of the whole estate and street names. It was known locally as "Giro City" :shaun:

That may of been the case in the past, but not now. My sister inlaw works for experian and she has confirmed what i said

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Stop. Some advice is sound, some is not so good.

Income support ALLEGED overpayment what period date. When was sister notified less than 28 days?

Is it recoverable,, did over payment really occur.Could it be official error. Need to find answer to these questions first.


Depending on answer will determine which path to follow . ALL utilities comp have Trust funds, sister is not going to prison for utility debts! If recovery officers call ( bailiffs new title) you don't have to allow access. Talk to all unknown callers from behind door/ letter box/ upper window etc. don't give them access no matter what they threaten ( they tell porkies!) tell them you are seeking advice from xxxxx.


You need to see a welfare benefits SPECIALIST not a generalist caseworker at an advice centre. The rules are very specific in this type of case, the correct timely advice is critical. Re key meters, DONT, agree to them being fitted, you have no control over repayments. Ensure IF you have debts you seek appropriate advice from a Law centre NOT ALL Citizens Advice provide the best advice. Get recommendations on best advice providers for your sisters area. If recovery officers appear at YOUR door, which they shouldn't tell them to do one. This advice is first aid only. Seek the best qualified advice you can get. Don't panic consider all options. Good luck , Royal 22lr

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Stop. Some advice is sound, some is not so good.

Income support ALLEGED overpayment what period date. When was sister notified less than 28 days?

Is it recoverable,, did over payment really occur.Could it be official error. Need to find answer to these questions first.


Depending on answer will determine which path to follow . ALL utilities comp have Trust funds, sister is not going to prison for utility debts! If recovery officers call ( bailiffs new title) you don't have to allow access. Talk to all unknown callers from behind door/ letter box/ upper window etc. don't give them access no matter what they threaten ( they tell porkies!) tell them you are seeking advice from xxxxx.


You need to see a welfare benefits SPECIALIST not a generalist caseworker at an advice centre. The rules are very specific in this type of case, the correct timely advice is critical. Re key meters, DONT, agree to them being fitted, you have no control over repayments. Ensure IF you have debts you seek appropriate advice from a Law centre NOT ALL Citizens Advice provide the best advice. Get recommendations on best advice providers for your sisters area. If recovery officers appear at YOUR door, which they shouldn't tell them to do one. This advice is first aid only. Seek the best qualified advice you can get. Don't panic consider all options. Good luck , Royal 22lr


What's a recovery officer?

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Welsh 1

"We have other names for them"


Swag men




Think about it.?

You said in your original post the new name for bailiffs was recovery officer,i was pointing out you were wrong, from April this year all bailiffs and HCEO's are called Enforcement Agents.


I will also point out that under the new regulations you are sent a letter at least 7 clear days before a visit,this letter adds £75 to the debt, if you ignore this letter they will call and you will be charged another £235+7.5% of everything over £1500.

It is now in the debtors interest to contact the Enforcement Agent to make an arrangement to pay the debt,ignoring it is no longer a sensible option.

Edited by welsh1
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