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Just joined a DIY pheasant shoot

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Diy ..... The best advice I can give is do your bit and a bit more, being more involved has its rewards, even if your not a 'hands on' guy the other shoot members will appreciate your effort


Don't moan at other folk not doing there bit


It really can be very enjoyable and rewarding

Edited by Paul223
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Stand up for your self rem your payin same as them just cause your new don't take the that's how we always do it......lol diy is good I'm in one love the agm....." No just cause you always buy the wheat there it was dirty this year so no WE are changing"...... Lol work days are bit of craic and like has been said you only get what you put in........

Edited by millrace
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It's a lot of work needing a good dollop of commitment, time and sweat from your brow.


Get to know the other guys in the syndicate and the landowners. Above all do it as a team and make sure there's strong communication so that everyone knows the plans and what's happening.


All the best. A DIY shoot can be the most enjoyable of all in my experience.

Edited by Whitebridges
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Hi Adam hope max is well. I joined one but it was 30 mins drive away from my house which doesn't sound a lot but I wanted one on the door step so I could dog in in the morning before work and things like that and my wife fell pregers so I left the shoot before the season started but on the work party days I never saw everyone turn up which I thought was a bit wrong as I am sure they would of turned up guns in hand on the first day.

So I am looking for one to help out on which hopefully can be my side of town

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Just enjoy it and try to learn as much as u can of the more experienced folk. I think u appreciate just how much hard work goes on before the birds arrive/season starts, so u enjoy/appreciate it better when u have a good day

Are u getting to go along for any days this season as a guest/beater?

Might be a nice way to meet everyone and learn the shoot.


Don't expect every member to turn up on work parties, it just doesnae happen, or atleast not in my area. If i can get 6 guns once a month i'm pretty chuft for a decent work party turnout.

And all the other shoots in this area have the exact same problem, a few have folded as the few who do the work had enough

Just 1 of those things and to be fair not alays easy with work/shifts/families etc

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What it was with me was a friend of mine had been on the shoot for years and he said he was trying to get younger blood on the shoot so I joined as I love the work side as I used to work on a game farm throughout the summers when I was in school. Now I appreciated that you would not get a full turn out in the slightest but it was getting silly one day it was me and my mate and the shoot captain. I found that nobody wanted to raise the issue. Like putting penalties for missing so many consecutive work parties. After I left which was more because I needed to be with my wife as she was struggling with pregnancy things my friend had a big blow out and left the shoot.

All in all it's a real shame as I could of been a good little shoot if it had stronger people

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Mich, that is the norm round here. I once turned up and was the only 1 there and had very few text's givin apologies,

I'm self employed and that was my busy time of year too, was not a happy shoot captain :whistling:

Must admit i'm really lucky with the syndicate now all are a cracking laugh and mostare fairly practical hands on so are actually capable of doing wot i ask, some of the stories from other captains of going round after a work party fixing or dismantling and putting together right as his guns are numpties


London, is the shoot starting entirely from scratch or is there some existing pens etc for u to use? U've got a lot of work ahead of u if all new

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Scotslad I to am self employed and I think that was also a issue as it was costing me money like yourself.

But I won't tar all diy shoots with the same brush as I am positive there are plenty of shoots that are brilliant fun. I have read the crown shoot on here and that seams to have it right I get a sort of family vibe from it

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