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New zoom lens.


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Well, second hand but with IS.

Tested today and it seems to allow me a little more fiddling :good:




Even on the tripod and remote shutter button this mistle thrush down the garden is much better than the non IS I notice from previous attempts.




Still a long way to go compared to most on here!


Any comments welcome.





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I am guessing you have not used any software to sharpen the pics because as stated they should be a lot sharper


if you put up what lens it is and shutter speed etc I may be able to help improve



Shutter was 1/20.

The lens is a Canon 70-300mm f4-5.6 IS USM EF

Shot on Tv so auto aperture. + some light. 400iso.


Some recommend an aperture setting of f8 so will try that.


I only played with the colours and light oh and cropped a lot!



tut tut you really should not of made that remark lol


looks good UD keep at it and you will be taking pics like Greengrass soon



I doubt that :-/

Tut, tut.

I would never agree to using that lens to take that shot!

Sorry U, really could not resist that one.



I just checked my ticket, says nowt about tits lol

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If thats correct 1/20s will always be blurred with that lens hand held you want to be 1/200s plus if you can I try to get up to 1/600 sec by uping the iso, dont be frightened to go 400 or more


f 8 will give you good depth of field but limits the shutter speed, so unless you can get a decent shutter speed you will never be at the races,


The lens you have is an excellent lens and by using light room post processing you can sharpen all your photos and get a great improvement


always difficult with wildlife this time of the year due to the craappy light, but if you do get soe sunshine make the most of the great low sunlight




pm me if I can help any more

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On the old films iso was a problem but with digital its not a problem I shoot most of my stuff on 400 iso


for birds in the garden Its best to put the feeder neer to the place you shoot from ie patio doors hide etc, then put a perch made with attractive stick and a bit of moss next to it, you can then get the bird before it hops on the feeder and if you get lucky



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