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In 45+yrs of Coastal Wildfowling I have never seen or witnessed what I did this morning.

Doing morning flight approximately 100 yrd from one of the Wash Rivers a nice tide pushing into the green edge I was hoping for a chance of a Greylag and a outside chance of a Duck. The normal seal display was going on mid river when I took a half light duck chance shooting a Beautiful Drake Pintail result I was well happy some 10 minutes later my ears had not played tricks on me 2 Pinks approached at a killable but high chance again my single shot speed true and a obviously head shot Pink cartwheels Back wards somersaulting in the slightest breeze falling with a mighty splash about 15 yrd out in the tide.

Whilst I stood cursing my bad luck where the Pink had fallen which was flapping around on the water in circles as head shot birds do a all mighty splash and swirls occurred the Pinks had gone and a few minutes later 8 seals popped up looking around. Now in all my years Wildfowling I've never put/sent my Dog's into any of the Big title rivers and have always sat back enough as not drop birds into and this morning was a good reminder to me why I keep my distance.

If the Pink had fallen straight down this advent would never had happened Yes I was pee'd off I'd lost a Pink and with the many years Wildfowling I would like to think I shoot the foreshore with safety to my Dogs myself and respect to the Quarry I pursue But just goes to show freak actions from a Shot bird could easily be so costly to your Dog yourself or Both thankfully we both walked safely off the marsh me a bit shaken and another reminder we don't know everything

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That is a bit worrying , I am always a bit worried about sending the dog in some of the bigger creeks when there are a lot of seals in them .

I am pleased you shot a pintail as I will be out with Jules trying to get one in the morning , nice to hear there are still some pinks about too.

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Had one porpoise out of the blue right next to the gunning punt many years ago, when taken out for a day. Fair put the willies up me for sure.


Well I was up in time and survived the seals , though me a Jules did get a bit of a shock when one came up only 3ft behind us while we were kneeling in the tide !

A fairly quiet morning with no shots fired.

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Well I was up in time and survived the seals , though me a Jules did get a bit of a shock when one came up only 3ft behind us while we were kneeling in the tide !

A fairly quiet morning with no shots fired.


I was fishing off hopes nose in torquay a couple summers ago and the seal down there would steal the mackrel off your spinner or plug on the way in lol he would also pop up in a rock pool which leads down into the sea and he would take live fish out of your hands and there teeth are huge :)

I used to take fishing parties out to sea from Yarmouth and most of the time we would be around a mile South from the harbour towards Lowertoft.

One Sunday we had reports they were catching Whitings and Codling off the piers near Scroby sands, so we took the party we had that day up that to fish , we had eight fishing and one of them was a young lad about 12yrs old who I put at the stern end so his line kept away from the other chaps , the day was freezing with snow showers off and on and he sat there with his gloves on and his hands in his pockets watching his 8ft boat rod

He caught a couple of small Whitings but things were fairly quite so he wasnt concentrating when he got a knock until it was to late . As his rod started move he was to slow by the time he got his hands out of pockets the rod had gone over the back of the boat , never to be seen again , at that time there were a lot of Seals near by and the only thing we could think of was he had a small fish on and a Seal took that and the rod went with it.


So if any of the Seals round your way is towing a boat rod behind it , can we have it back please :lol:

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I used to take fishing parties out to sea from Yarmouth and most of the time we would be around a mile South from the harbour towards Lowertoft.

One Sunday we had reports they were catching Whitings and Codling off the piers near Scroby sands, so we took the party we had that day up that to fish , we had eight fishing and one of them was a young lad about 12yrs old who I put at the stern end so his line kept away from the other chaps , the day was freezing with snow showers off and on and he sat there with his gloves on and his hands in his pockets watching his 8ft boat rod

He caught a couple of small Whitings but things were fairly quite so he wasnt concentrating when he got a knock until it was to late . As his rod started move he was to slow by the time he got his hands out of pockets the rod had gone over the back of the boat , never to be seen again , at that time there were a lot of Seals near by and the only thing we could think of was he had a small fish on and a Seal took that and the rod went with it.


So if any of the Seals round your way is towing a boat rod behind it , can we have it back please :lol:


It may have been a seal , but my father also lost a rod overboard of Yarmouth and we thought it was a large raft of weed which caught the line and pulled it over.

Two or three years ago I was fishing yarmouth north beach and a seal pulled my rod off the rest and dragged it along the beach smashing several line guides in the process .

Edited by fenboy
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Do you think this seal is looking to open a tackle shop?




It may have been a seal , but my father also lost a rod overboard of Yarmouth and we thought it was a large raft of weed which caught the line and pulled it over.

Two or three years ago I was fishing yarmouth north beach and a seal pulled by rod off the rest and dragged it along the beach smashing several line guides in the process .

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This thread is just getting Seally


Yes and I started this Thread as a WARNING to fellow Wildfowlers. But I take it you're a Ain't seen Don't believe it so it won't happen to my Dog or myself person !!!! So you think it's a JOKE for the Wildfowler who lost his Dog to a Seal a couple of seasons ago in Scotland !!!! or the Fowler decoying Ducks on a Creek about 600 yrd from my incident who had to rush his Dog to the Vet after a Seal pulled it under while retreaving a Duck Dog survived it's injuries but would NEVER enter water for the rest of its Life !!!!! Well I for one DON'T find or see any of the events a JOKE

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I think everyone got and appreciated the seriousness of your warning.


I don't think anyone has joked specifically about the events you mention.


Yes and I started this Thread as a WARNING to fellow Wildfowlers. But I take it you're a Ain't seen Don't believe it so it won't happen to my Dog or myself person !!!! So you think it's a JOKE for the Wildfowler who lost his Dog to a Seal a couple of seasons ago in Scotland !!!! or the Fowler decoying Ducks on a Creek about 600 yrd from my incident who had to rush his Dog to the Vet after a Seal pulled it under while retreaving a Duck Dog survived it's injuries but would NEVER enter water for the rest of its Life !!!!! Well I for one DON'T find or see any of the events a JOKE

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I don't think it's a joke at all and especially being what I would call on my doorstep from where you describe the location. It always makes me very wary of where I shoot as many of the bigger creeks have seals coming in on the tide. I've even had one sit less than 6 meters from me on the other side of the small creek I've been pushed out of. It's not worth risking injury to a dog or endangering the dog for a duck. Is it getting to the point where do we shoot the creeks where we know seals are do we not shoot there. .very debatable subject. I would not send my dog anywhere where it would put her at risk. She's my best friend at the end of the day.

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at times the part of the marsh I shoot some times have 20+ in the creek in front of me. The time that gets me most worried is on a early morning flight after a high tide the night before. as I get near this creek often slip the dog on a lead, think it would be bad if you came across one that's stranded which does happen. But there are getting a large amount out there.

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