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Labour anti shooting pledge?

Big Al

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Never mind the EU issue....I live in East anglia (kinda South) and I distrust Cameron & co on just about everything, I'm afraid typical politician spin & BS all the way

The EU issue is the main issue for me, as everything else can be fixed. The EU can't be fixed. “The most puzzling development in politics during the last decade is the apparent determination of Western European leaders to re-create the Soviet Union in Western Europe.” - Mikhail Gorbachev.

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Tough choice, vote to preserve our field sports or to save our NHS & get rid of the upper class "all boys club - I'm all right Jack did the rest" lot

No you just swap tory all boys club for a leiboor one - they are even worse at "jobs for the boys" to see this you just have to look at the quangos and "european " administration waste of money - mostly leiboor members :hmm::hmm::hmm:

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Vote for whichever party you want; it wont make a jot of difference to the longevity or future of shooting sports. It never has nor never will. The future of shooting sports rests squarely on public perception and what we as shooters are prepared to do to fight those who feed that perception.

Cameron could have banned shotguns and rifles following the shootings in Cumbria, but he didn't. He wont always be PM. If the shootings had taken place in a school do you think we'd be on this forum now, tory government or otherwise?

It would be very easy to ensure the vast majority of the working classes has no reason to own firearms while leaving the landed gentry in possession of theirs.

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Only the Conservatives ( Landowners, and Farmers) can preserve and protect shooting and field sports in the UK today. The rest will kowtow to the bunny hugging masses and it will be the end. Voting for Labour or UKIP or LIB DEM or Greens will only bring that end closer. :yes:


You are funny.


Comedy Dave promised a free vote on hunting in this parliament...how did that go?

Not so sure the landowners and farmers around the Somerset levels will be too happy with him either, he did sweet FA to help them.

How about the dairy farmers who are having to sell their milk at less than it costs to produce? Will they be backing Dave?

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They are all as bad as each other, like HSBC who effectively stole 78 billion pound from the British tax payer & thier boss gets a knighthood and was made minister for trade and investment by cameron, an honest politician is a condraction in terms

No you just swap tory all boys club for a leiboor one - they are even worse at "jobs for the boys" to see this you just have to look at the quangos and "european " administration waste of money - mostly leiboor members :hmm::hmm::hmm:

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I almost joined the Conservative Party today...only £25 a year....seems like a bargain. But I did'nt, might do tomorrow though.


Anyway, the Tories are sorting this mess out and are by far the best of a best bunch,


Comedy Dave promised a free vote on hunting in this parliament...how did that go?

Not so sure the landowners and farmers around the Somerset levels will be too happy with him either, he did sweet FA to help them.

How about the dairy farmers who are having to sell their milk at less than it costs to produce? Will they be backing Dave?





As for the Somerset levels, well its a flood plain, and it do know what?...It Flooded, what a surprise, that is what the area is designed to do, that is why it grows such good grass, rich alluvial soils, they come about because of flooding.


Milk prices...simple supply and demand..cows produce too much milk and there are too many of them, the industrialisation of farming has its downsides. Either increase demand or reduce supply to see an increase in pence per litre.


as for the fox hunting vote...no point without a clear conservative majority and last time I looked there was'nt one.

Edited by scolopax
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Tories sorting out the mess by making new ones, with austerity measures that effect the working man, when banks, big companies, foreign aid and tax dodgers should have been targeted, but of course these are the people who politicians need to keep sweet....


It's easy to preach about "all in this together" and cut NHS spending, privatise large sections of healthcare system oversee nursing staff is cut with pay frozen whilst taking your 11% rise.


I'm afraid we will have to put up with spin & BS from all sides in run up to Election Day but with the majority of the population not trusting either big party we will probably be in for another coalition.....

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I almost joined the Conservative Party today...only £25 a year....seems like a bargain. But I did'nt, might do tomorrow though.


Anyway, the Tories are sorting this mess out and are by far the best of a best bunch,





As for the Somerset levels, well its a flood plain, and it do know what?...It Flooded, what a surprise, that is what the area is designed to do, that is why it grows such good grass, rich alluvial soils, they come about because of flooding.


Milk prices...simple supply and demand..cows produce too much milk and there are too many of them, the industrialisation of farming has its downsides. Either increase demand or reduce supply to see an increase in pence per litre.


as for the fox hunting vote...no point without a clear conservative majority and last time I looked there was'nt one.


Well you certainly sound like a typical Tory.


It's a flood plain...so **** all the people who live there, and the people who farm the land.


Not sure how you can increase demand for milk, but hey you could always reduce supply by allowing the supermarkets to screw the farmers so much they go bust. That should do the trick.


As for fox hunting? Well thank **** there won't be a Conservative majority anytime soon, so no need for Dave to make that false promise again.

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The thing is, for most of us on here Labour should be our natural party of choice. I come from a working class background, spent most of my working life in industry and during that time was active in the trade union movement. I was a union rep then a senior union rep.


Sadly labour does nothing for me what so ever, they just want to tax and spend, run up a massive deficit and fill the country with foreigners and Vikki Pollards.


Working class values to me are work hard, pay your way and don't get into debt. Hold your head up and bring your kids up the same way. Thats how I was brought up and thats how I brought my kids up. Labour would despise me today.


The Labour party I see and hear is not the party my grandfathers would have recognised. Soft headed Oxbridge failures who weren't good enough to make it in the real world and went into politics as a soft option.


The old labour party were hard men, I wouldn't say I agreed with a lot of thier views because they were bloody hard line communists but you could shout at them and they would shout back and buy you a pint after the meeting.


They ought to rename the present mob the Student Union because thats what are. Blair was the turning point to me, a "talk bowlocks but smile at the camera while you are saying it" total creep in my opinion.

Edited by Vince Green
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You should probably take note of this.




This appears to be an animal rights organisation within the Labour party, and it promotes an anti-shooting message. Not just pheasant and grouse shooting, but all shooting. Including pest control and conservation. And not just things like tackling raptor persecution and improving welfare on game farms which lots of shooters would agree with, they are actively promoting a total ban on shooting.


I don't know exactly how influential it is, but they will no doubt try to put what pressure they can on the Labour party in areas like shooting. Labour may not officially be anti-shooting (in principle), but if push came to shove they would probably adopt those sort of policies pretty quickly. Especially if the Green party start to eat into their vote - the Greens have quite a heavy focus on animal welfare, so it's a policy area Labour might use to win back voters.

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