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I was made aware of this article on Countryfile today. First thoughts, Dailymail, not worth reading.


But... it brings up some important points and is surprisingly well written for the Dailymail.



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In my role as aunties pet I know the people behind the scenes are more than aware and very frustrated at the tree hugging bias, several mates do spring watch etc and are constantly setting up stories which are then not covered because they are deemed too offensive to the public. BBC is between the Rock and a hard place as the townies make up the majority of the audience and won't accept anything less than a fluffy countryside - anything more gets complaints.

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I'd question this part of the article where he tries to bash the RSPB:


"But the same kind of ‘environmentalist’ make-believe has taken hold of many once respected institutions. One might expect the RSPB to be vociferous in protesting at how many birds (and bats) are killed each year by the spinning blades of our 4,500 giant wind turbines. But it has become so close to the wind industry it even receives a regular income from one of our giant power companies which builds windfarms."


He seems to be unaware that the RSPB does object to wind turbine planning applications. And their objections do get wind farm developments blocked. If a wind farm is proposed for an unsuitable area (e.g. on a migration route, near an internationally important site, etc) the RSPB has no problem in objecting. They just don't object to every single one of them, they will only object if they actually have a case on grounds of the threat to birds, and they simply don't have a case against all of them. Describing the RSPB as "once respected" is also highly questionable.



As for Countryfile in general, I'l watch it if I know there is a specific thing on it that I want to see, but I'm certainly not a regular viewer. I think they could do with covering conservation issues in greater detail, including the under-reported issues that could do with some attention. That said, I haven't watched it for a while.

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I'd question this part of the article where he tries to bash the RSPB:


"But the same kind of ‘environmentalist’ make-believe has taken hold of many once respected institutions. One might expect the RSPB to be vociferous in protesting at how many birds (and bats) are killed each year by the spinning blades of our 4,500 giant wind turbines. But it has become so close to the wind industry it even receives a regular income from one of our giant power companies which builds windfarms."


He seems to be unaware that the RSPB does object to wind turbine planning applications. And their objections do get wind farm developments blocked. If a wind farm is proposed for an unsuitable area (e.g. on a migration route, near an internationally important site, etc) the RSPB has no problem in objecting. They just don't object to every single one of them, they will only object if they actually have a case on grounds of the threat to birds, and they simply don't have a case against all of them. Describing the RSPB as "once respected" is also highly questionable.




Quotes from the RSPB..................


"Switching to renewable energy now, rather than in ten or twenty years, is essential if we are to stabilise greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at safe levels. Wind power is the most advanced renewable technology, available at a large scale, over this time period. For this reason, the RSPB supports a significant growth in offshore and onshore wind power generation in the UK".


"We believe that this growth can be achieved in harmony with, rather than at the expense of, the natural environment. However, poorly sited wind farms can have negative effects on birds, leading to potential conflict where proposals coincide with areas of high activity for species of conservation concern. We will therefore continue to require that wind farms are sited, designed and managed so that there are no significant adverse impacts on important bird populations or their habitats.


We are involved in scrutinising hundreds of wind farm applications every year to determine their likely wildlife impacts, and we ultimately object to about 6% of those we engage with, because they threaten bird populations. Where developers are willing to adapt plans to reduce impacts to acceptable levels we withdraw our objections, in other cases we robustly oppose them".

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Well done to the Mail for once.

What is really poor about Countryfile are the comments made by Adam Henson - if he's the farmer he says he is he must live in a different world to the farmers I know.

Townie presenters giving biased reports I can reluctantly understand but a farmer!

Hes about as much a farmer as I am president of the US......... with his livestock manager and his arable manager, not bad for a tenant farmers son !

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Hes about as much a farmer as I am president of the US......... with his livestock manager and his arable manager, not bad for a tenant farmers son!


Who's more than likely getting serious wonga for his BBC celebrity status on the PR circuits - let alone what he gets paid by the BBC to do a few minutes on Countryfile!! :)

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I agree. Knows which side his bread is buttered on I guess, although he has down some BASC PR stuff I think.

wont be changing my opinion because of that. I believe hes a journalist first and foremost isnt he? You'd think if he was a shooter he 'd try and put a bit of positive PR out there wouldnt you, I know I would.

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