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PW Charity Shoot Raffle 2015

shoot and be safe

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Well here's another prize for the raffle thought to may appeal to one or two of you


Bit of local handicraft


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Not the best picture


All the best




Top of me list :yes::good:

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my good lady has put together a "allround shooters kit" of leather bits and bobs that she makes


the kit contains .


large bolt case (.243 etc)


small bolt case (.22lr etc)


bullet wallet (.243 etc)


bullet wallet ( .17hmr and larger)


bullet box (.22lr sub)


sgc wallet


drawstring pouch


coin pouch


pellet pouch


choke wallet


clay shooters shoe protector


the set is fully matching and made from top quality soft leather , its a shame that the pics dont do the kit justice.


also , if , and only if , she can find it , she has a nicely shaped hip flask that she will cover to match the rest of the set , if im in a good mood , ill fill it with glenmorangie for you :yes: .


i dont know why but it wont let me post pics :unhappy:




Edited by mel b3
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Hi All


Like to donate a hours shotgun lesson with 50 cartridges and clays at Kibworth SG Market Harborough. will include a master eye and gun fit check.

suitable date for the winner and me. if its too far away for the winner I will ask one of the Basc Coaches around the country to do it and cover the cost.


Hope this helps



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Ok second and final prize from me.

I have just had a chat with one of my farmers and he has kindly agreed to the following .


He will cut a maize cover crop strip at the end of the coming game season , it will then be left unshot until the pigeons and corvids have found it in good numbers .

Once I have deemed it to be attracting plenty of birds the winner will be contacted and arrangements will be made for a days shooting .


Please be aware though that who takes this day may need to be able to shoot at fairly short notice ( 2 or 3 days ) and though the farmer has agreed to leave the strip he cannot do indefinitely as sooner or later it will need to be prepared for the following crop.


I have had some very good bags in this particular location and feel there should be a good bag on offer but of course as with all things pigeon shooting related there can be no guarantees.


I am happy to provide all equipment required if someone who does not have any wants the day , you will need a current SGC and suitable gun.

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I thought I had already posted! Getting a bit low on PW Merchandise at the moment, but can include:


Pigeon Watch gamebag - double pocket version.

Selection of PW Leather Certificate Wallets

PW Enamel Badges

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Also my brother - andy on PW - won a manual finger and arm breaking clay pigeon trap a couple of years ago in the raffle. An antiquity of some considerable pedigree and provenance as I believe originally donated to the raffle by Mr Potter some years previously. He has sportingly put this up for adoption in the raffle this year so it can go to a new loving home.

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