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funny old two weeks!


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Lost my job but found work, phew!

Logged an oak, nearly killed me!

Walked miles yesterday and ached from head to foot!

Too much stress of late!

So I thought let's wait for a few roosting birds, nice and gentle like. With a proper gun too lol.

Sent live from the scene!




Edited by Underdog
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Top job u


Education is needed for me though I'm afraid.

Gun type , load etc as I don't have a clue only know the modern stuff :)

Fruity, the options are almost endless load wise!

Getting low on powder as I live in a powder black spot ( :lol: ) first off I mixed some fine grade with some medium grade. I needed to test this as locally I can only get 2lb of fine, if I get it I can mix it in with my medium grade etc.

Well that worked well enough. Three shots and three birds.

The shot charge was 1&1/8oz of mixed shot to the order of #2-BB!

This worked well last weekend so I thought I would try it in the flintlock.


The gun is a Pedersoli trade gun, a version of the gun offered as trade to Indians for furs in the American colonies. 20gauge ish!

I have not shot it for weeks and I was conscious of not flinching! However with my tuning this notorious slow lock it is very fast and there is no time to flinch!

My own cut, chipped, chiselled flints work better than bought ones!


Wads are (today) 1/16" card+1/16"leather soaked in olive oil+1/8" card. Sounds difficult but is easy really.

The olive oil keeps the fouling soft.

Gun was spotless clean in ten minutes with just a kitchen wipe and boiling water.



To hunt with a flintlock for me is very special, taking game with a cattie is amazing, taking game with a bow is pre historically spine chillingly good and taking game with a flinter is like that, every successful shot is a cause for joy. Lots of things have come together to achieve it and not just the exchange of money!


Need a brew now :good:



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Fruity, the options are almost endless load wise!

Getting low on powder as I live in a powder black spot ( :lol: ) first off I mixed some fine grade with some medium grade. I needed to test this as locally I can only get 2lb of fine, if I get it I can mix it in with my medium grade etc.

Well that worked well enough. Three shots and three birds.

The shot charge was 1&1/8oz of mixed shot to the order of #2-BB!

This worked well last weekend so I thought I would try it in the flintlock.


The gun is a Pedersoli trade gun, a version of the gun offered as trade to Indians for furs in the American colonies. 20gauge ish!

I have not shot it for weeks and I was conscious of not flinching! However with my tuning this notorious slow lock it is very fast and there is no time to flinch!

My own cut, chipped, chiselled flints work better than bought ones!


Wads are (today) 1/16" card+1/16"leather soaked in olive oil+1/8" card. Sounds difficult but is easy really.

The olive oil keeps the fouling soft.

Gun was spotless clean in ten minutes with just a kitchen wipe and boiling water.



To hunt with a flintlock for me is very special, taking game with a cattie is amazing, taking game with a bow is pre historically spine chillingly good and taking game with a flinter is like that, every successful shot is a cause for joy. Lots of things have come together to achieve it and not just the exchange of money!


Need a brew now :good:



Thank you for the in-depth explanation and obviously a wealth of knowledge,your passion comes through in your text


Really interests me things like that but you need a mentor to guide you, not just something you can't read to learn , you need hands on


Cheers :)

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Thank you for the in-depth explanation and obviously a wealth of knowledge,your passion comes through in your text


Really interests me things like that but you need a mentor to guide you, not just something you can't read to learn , you need hands on


Cheers :)

No one showed me nothing bud! One book got me started. Yours if you want it!



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