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Yes...but he'll be back.


In September.


I think he needs a rest, he looks knackered, and has lost some of his mojo over the last few months. He made a mistake saying he'd resign if he didn't win in Thanet, and I think he knew that.

As a man of principle he resigned this morning.

However, that doesn't stop him reapplying for the job of leader when it comes up in September.

A break will do him good, and he'll be back re-energised and ready to roll.

I suspect he'll be working behind the scenes on the party's future direction over the summer. Expect a fairer voting system to be a big part of that.


Long live the king. ;)

I agree with you he looks totally worn out and deserves a rest he really has given his life and health to the party and I really think he will have a good rest and come back energised and stand again for the leadership, he deserves to succeed and in my opinion he is the hardest working political figure I have known particularly with the full weight of the media and establishment always attacking him for the slightest thing.

We need him to be there for us as the representative of honesty and the one who is not afraid to tell it like it is! :good:


I think they did really well but they lost votes due to the fear of liabour and the snp getting together which would have been awful for our country, I had to wait for half an hour to cast my vote so I assume that from what people said to me during the wait a lot were going to vote UKIP but they wanted to do anything they could to stop Milliband.

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You have to be a contender for the "I achived Godwin's law in the biggest most bizarre way" awards


LOL :lol: had to look that up, no not at all the Hitler parodies has hundreds of variants taking the proverbial out of all sorts, politics, sport, religion some are hilarious here is a top 25 list and one for KW ;) number 13




Edited by chrisjh
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LOL :lol: had to look that up, no not at all the Hitler parodies has hundreds of variants taking the proverbial out of all sorts, politics, sport, religion some are hilarious here is a top 25 list and one for KW ;) number 13




No the best one ever is hitlers xmas party in Hartlepool (worth a look) funny thing is its true.



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LOL :lol: had to look that up, no not at all the Hitler parodies has hundreds of variants taking the proverbial out of all sorts, politics, sport, religion some are hilarious here is a top 25 list and one for KW ;) number 13




I have made a few myself, but you still invoked Godwin's law.

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I live in a 'safe' Labour seat...... Oh sorry I did until we got the Balls out this morning. EVERY vote matters, mine certainly contributed to the 443 that got him out.




John Trickett Labour received 51% of the vote with a majority of over 12000,


Ex mining area, you could quite literally field a monkey with a red rosette and the cod heads will still vote for him.


But great result over your side of the city, must admit it was the icing on the cake for me.

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Roll on September. His return will no doubt shake things up somewhat. :yes:


I genuinely hope so, he has already rang alarm bells in the established parties,in that they now are starting to understand they are there to represent rather than shape, and control.



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Ukip have just won Thanet council the first Ukip council ever.


that's going to be bent someones been paid off :whistling:







for the avoidance of doubt this last comment was a wind up

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I genuinely hope so, he has already rang alarm bells in the established parties,in that they now are starting to understand they are there to represent rather than shape, and control.



course you do without nigel theres no ukip, having said that now your getting a referendum theres nothing for ukip to protest about they are getting what they wanted and i admit that would not have happened without nigel

Edited by overandunder2012
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course you do without nigel theres no ukip, having said that now your getting a referendum theres nothing for ukip to protest about they are getting what they wanted and i admit that would not have happened without nigel

Are we, will we? if we do have a vote lets see what the watered down version is, will it be a straight yes or no? and what will the spin from the press and TV media be? and what will the push to keep us in is be like.



Oh and as for do we need UKIP well looking at the vote up here in the north east its obvious that the feeling here is that the traditional party of labour has evolved so much its now an offshoot of the cons , and the only two lib seats we had now no longer exist, so as seen by the % of vote for UKIP an alternative is required, that alternative will be UKIP its a shame Nige did not run for Hartlepool, he may well just have done it here as he would not have had the tactical vote to the cons to keep him out, as the voters here would rather have a kidney removed without anesthetic than vote for the southern tory cretins. :yes:




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Are we, will we? if we do have a vote lets see what the watered down version is, will it be a straight yes or no? and what will the spin from the press and TV media be? and what will the push to keep us in is be like.



Oh and as for do we need UKIP well looking at the vote up here in the north east its obvious that the feeling here is that the traditional party of labour has evolved so much its now an offshoot of the cons , and the only two lib seats we had now no longer exist, so as seen by the % of vote for UKIP an alternative is required, that alternative will be UKIP its a shame Nige did not run for Hartlepool, he may well just have done it here as he would not have had the tactical vote to the cons to keep him out, as the voters here would rather have a kidney removed without anesthetic than vote for the southern tory cretins. :yes:




true but people vote for ukip because they want the referendum and that ships sailing without ukip. id rather have a kidney removed without anesthetic than vote for the tory cretins. :yes:


he wouldn't run in hartlepool he may have to live there and he's a southerner threw and threw :lol:

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Are we, will we? if we do have a vote lets see what the watered down version is, will it be a straight yes or no? and what will the spin from the press and TV media be? and what will the push to keep us in is be like.



Oh and as for do we need UKIP well looking at the vote up here in the north east its obvious that the feeling here is that the traditional party of labour has evolved so much its now an offshoot of the cons , and the only two lib seats we had now no longer exist, so as seen by the % of vote for UKIP an alternative is required, that alternative will be UKIP its a shame Nige did not run for Hartlepool, he may well just have done it here as he would not have had the tactical vote to the cons to keep him out, as the voters here would rather have a kidney removed without anesthetic than vote for the southern tory cretins. :yes:




The words on, chip shoulder and your spring to mind. Have you seen a political map of Britain recently?


Edit: Here's a map if it helps.


Edited by FalconFN
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The words on, chip shoulder and your spring to mind. Have you seen a political map of Britain recently?


Edit: Here's a map if it helps.

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and pray tell what that means in % of vote me old nugget.



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it dont matter its seats that count all the partys have the same playing field

oh yes the number of seats rather than the number of votes, nige got 4 million votes and 1 seat the snp 1.3 million votes and 56 seats, so tell me how is it a level playing field , its skewed to suit the big two, one of who failed disastrously by allowing the cons a landslide with only a % rise of less than 2% yes a 1 odd% increase in the vote so how level? as level as a billiard table on its side.



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but our election system is based on a vote per electoral ward, although it has been turned into a competition for PM, it isn't what it is about.


We really have 650 mini elections.


Edit to add: What are the thoughts about the boundary changes and reduction in number of MPs?


Essentially the change is to make sure that every electoral ward has approximately the same number of voters. That way it is a fair contest as each MP represents the same number of people.

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Labour has been tweaking it for years in their favour.


I would halve the number of MPs, A bunch of mostly ex public sector crowd up here have a party called " Yorkshire First" and want and independent assembly for Yorkshire.


Their manifesto is so vague as be ambiguous in every way and they still will not say how it will be funded. Probably by us daft taxpayers

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