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Air Weapons and Licensing (Scotland) Bill moves to Stage 2


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Latest information - surely of interest to ALL shooters as it is at National Level? i.e. ONE of the pinned threads in this section is re. DERBYSHIRE...


Just pointing this out, as I was not aware that the earlier thread re. the Stage 1 information had been shuffled over to the AIRGUNS section.

ANYONE thinking the following is NOT of broader interest than airgun users is doing something wrong


I've highlighted a selection of the following in red.


Air Weapons and Licensing (Scotland) Bill moves to Stage 2

Yesterday, 23 April, the Scottish Parliament agreed the general principles of the Air Weapons and Licensing (Scotland) Bill by 60 votes to 0 with 12 abstentions. The Bill now moves to Stage 2, the main amendment stage.

The Official Report transcript of the debate is available in both PDF and HTML versions on the website if you wish to read it. You may also watch a video playback of the debate on the Parliament’s TV website.

What happens next?

The Bill is now at Stage 2, the main amendments stage. Only MSPs can lodge amendments to a Bill and any MSP may now do so. Full guidance on how the progress of a Bill takes place is available on the Parliament’s website.

Under the Parliament’s Standing Orders the earliest date on which the Local Government and Regeneration Committee can consider and vote on amendments lodged to the Bill is Wednesday 13 May. The deadline for MSPs to lodge amendments to the various sections of a Bill is 12-noon on the third sitting day before the Committee considers and votes on those sections. Saturdays and Sundays are not sitting days. You should also note that there are three non-sitting week days in the Parliament’s calendar for May 2015. They are Monday 4 May, Friday 22 May and Monday 25 May.

The timings for Stage 2 of the Bill may be changed at short notice – and at any time - subject to the business needs of the Committee and the Parliament. That said, the Convener of the Committee has set out the following schedule for the Committee’s consideration and decision on amendments lodged to the Bill—

Wednesday 13 May: Stage 2 (Amendments to Part 1 on Air Weapons);
Wednesday 20 May: Stage 2 (Amendments to Part 2 on Alcohol licensing);
Wednesday 27 May: Stage 2 (Amendments to Part 3 on Civil licensing provisions - taxi and private car hires, scrap metal, sexual entertainment venues and public entertainment venues - and on Part 4 on General provision)
Wednesday 3 June: Stage 2 (if required) (any remaining amendments to Parts 3 and Part 4).

Therefore, the deadline for MSPs to lodge amendments to Part 1 of the Bill (on air weapons) will be 12-noon on Friday 8 May (which is the third sitting day before the Committee meeting of 13 May).

Presuming the schedule does not need to be altered, the deadlines for lodging amendments to the other sections of the Bill would be 12-noon on Friday 15 May for Part 2 on alcohol; and 12-noon on Wed 20 May for Parts 3 and 4 on civil and general licensing (this difference is because of the aforementioned non sitting week days on 22 and 25 May).

In the event that all amendments to Part 3 and 4 are not concluded at the meeting 27 May, any remaining amendments would be dealt with on Wed 3 June. Again, all of these dates may be subject to change to accommodate necessary parliamentary work. However, you would be emailed to notify you if this occurs. We will also send out update on our Twitter account: @SP_LocalGovt

After each day on which amendments are lodged by MSPs, they are published in a document called a Daily List. This will show the chronological number of the amendment, the name of the MSP lodging it and the proposed change it seek to the make to the text of the Bill. You will be emailed each time a Daily List is produced.

Any MSP may lodge an amendment to the Bill, and attend a meeting of the Committee and speak in the debate on those amendments. However, only MSPs who are Members of the Committee can vote on the amendments. Meetings are open to the public and broadcast live on our website.

Further information about Stage 2 and how amendments are collated, debated and voted on will be set out in due course. Information on the Stage 3 process (the final amending stage) will be sent out after Stage 2 is completed.





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I,m not against the idea of licensing airguns if (and its a big IF) it was a case of going in to a police station filling in a form having a back ground check and paying £20 and then a letter to the cops when i bought or sold a gun, it might just put off those that really shouldn't be allowed any thing more power full that a stapler. But i can't see the need for anything more

Edited by bluesj
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So all parties failed to take a stance FOR shooting and vote against - what the heck? I can understand the Narrow Party being behind this but everyone else seems to have folded too!


The SNP seems determined to screw over anyone who isn't:-

Pro disarmament


Public Sector

An employee

Urban dwelling


yet they're riding high ........................heaven help us!

Edited by LeadWasp
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The sad thing is it will achieve nothing if it passes,the criminal element will ignore the legislation and still obtain air rifles and use them.This is poor legislation pandering to the mass hysteria they no doubt had a hand in orchestrating in the media.


The legislation will continue to creep ,after all a disarmed and scared society is easier to control.

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The sad thing is it will achieve nothing if it passes,the criminal element will ignore the legislation and still obtain air rifles and use them.This is poor legislation pandering to the mass hysteria they no doubt had a hand in orchestrating in the media.


The legislation will continue to creep ,after all a disarmed and scared society is easier to control.

true! Its a sad thing that so many sheeple will just go along with it without question,even among the shooting "community"..
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I'd be scared. We can't walk in and buy an airgun, it a fac application that takes 2 months. Also given we had licences for donkeys years, illegal guns are found by police here nearly every week. It's just a fund raiser.

Edited by The Juicer
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We can't walk in and buy an airgun, it a fac application that takes 2 months.


True, but can you imagine the idiots here taking pot shots at police and army over the years if anyone could just go in and buy an air rifle. I personally have no problem with air rifles being FAC only here. They have being as long as I can remember. I can see why people in Scotland would have an issue, if the SNP have their way it will be the thin end of the wedge.

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Well, for the snp to be doing so well it means there's a lot of Scots voting for them. You brought it on yourselves. Can't see it affecting us in England to be honest, because when she gets in power through milliband the first thing England will want is Scotland to ****** off and be independent :lol:

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The thing about this SNP rise is just odd - they are nationalists and once claimed to be single issue - that they'd go away after the whole independence thing. A majority of Scots rejected the SNP's core principle yet somehow they are now the dominant political entity in Scotland - it just doesn't make sense/add up.

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The thing about this SNP rise is just odd - they are nationalists and once claimed to be single issue - that they'd go away after the whole independence thing. A majority of Scots rejected the SNP's core principle yet somehow they are now the dominant political entity in Scotland - it just doesn't make sense/add up.

You're bang on there, almost makes you think there's been some jiggery pokery going on doesn't it ? But surely that couldn't happen in those sort of circles ............. could it :whistling:

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The thing about this SNP rise is just odd - they are nationalists and once claimed to be single issue - that they'd go away after the whole independence thing. A majority of Scots rejected the SNP's core principle yet somehow they are now the dominant political entity in Scotland - it just doesn't make sense/add up.

It makes a huge amount of sense if you understand Scotland. The rise to dominance isn't pegged on independence, it has its basis in socialism and SNP embracing that very strongly.


It saddens me greatly but the Scot's carry a mighty big chip on their shoulder, we have punched above our weight in many respects and we should be so proud of that, but we have little man syndrome. The SNP fuel that and play to the Scottish sense of injustice and unfairness; it doesn't matter that maybe completely unjustified, but it is what it is.


The seeds were sown in the 80's with the hatred of Thatcher/Tories and it has gotten progressively worse. Labour fuelled that Tory hatred to suit their own ends, nationwide, and that is now biting them very hard, they have been outdone at their own game.


If there is a formation of a social democrat party in England that take a further left position then you will see the same thing in the industrial heartlands.


It is worrying for all manner of reasons.

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grrclark - I know what you mean about the socialism and the feeling of being hard done by but the Scots can have socialism if they want it through another party - yet with this lot their newer supporters are supping with The Devil. Supporting them is like hugging a warm bomb on a cold night. It's lovely and toasty next to it but it'll blow up in your face after a bit. The SNP is slowly ******** those Scots who do not fit in with their core twisted beliefs.


I'm a Scot and with the exception of one (misogynistic) guy at a supplier of mine I do not know a single (declared) SNP supporter - except for one **** I went to college with and he's a Geordie in Aberdeen. Whenever I'm working in Scotland I always try to get a feel for the mood, mainly because I'm so concerned about what is being done to Scotland. I want my relatives to be as close to me geo-politically as they are personally NOT made into foreigners. SNP = division. They are nationalists and as bad as any from the continent. Until Alec started his Bierkeller-like speeches there wasn't a real issue between Scotland and the rest of the UK (England for his purposes).


Sorry - got a bit passionate there...............where will it all stop? the Free Republic of Kirk O'Shotts declaring class war on Cleland?

Edited by LeadWasp
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I hear what you are saying LeadWasp, I am very much anti SNP and I hate what they are doing to Scotland.


I think a huge volume of their support is predicated on Socialism and there is not a credible alternative (if there could ever be such a thing) to the SNP. You could have Sheridan and his mob, but they are unsophisticated.


Say what you like about SNP, but they are a smooth running machine.


I know a couple of people who have crossed swords with Salmond and he is a ruthless operator.


Salmond and Sturgeon captured the mood perfectly and used anti Tory rhetoric to drive anti British sentiment.


I think they are divisive and dangerous and the anti Tory crusade that they are on is actually nothing more than facism.

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So, once they get in how long before "bye bye Scotland" from the rest of the UK. Any bets, or predictions ?


One thing the snp have done very well is to make the rest of the UK not care if Scotland goes it alone now. At the last referendum most didn't really want Scotland to leave, after all the rantings of those two poison dwarves you have we may be glad to see you go :lol:

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You can call it that.


I prefer to call it what it is & what MacArsKill called it last year - THE START

I think that too , its the start of more gun rules and regs from anti gun people that just want more guns taken from law abiding people and what is left will have more regulations and tougher/ stricter controls .
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This may have had a point if there were no airguns in circulation..,...there must be 1000's in Scotland alone. How do they expect to retrospectively get all those guns on license, recruit the resources to man the licensing agency and get the police to enforce with so many other things to do.


I've voiced my opposition all along as I think it's another death knell for shooting, taking out the young blood we need to keep it going. The existing legislation more than caters for shooting people....


There seems to be no way to oppose it and nobody is listening. I was under the impression that in a democracy something that isn't voted for by the people doesn't happen......

Edited by Livefast123
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Bang on target grrclark - "Say what you like about SNP, but they are a smooth running machine." I absolutely agree with you. Salmond has a way about him that means nobody ever challenges him. He is very good at what he does, an excellent speaker and few people really lock horns and take him on. He is rather like Charles Clark the ex-Labour minister. There was only ever his point of view, he wanted to do really quite draconian things and nobody ever argued with him.


Of course it's easy to be so bold when they have no real track record yet and have never raised their own taxes (and so become unpopular). Unfortunately by the time we find out how bad they can be they'll have done the damage - probably irreparably.


I often wonder what English civil servant so humiliated Salmond during his time at the Scottish Office that he's made it his life's work to get his own back. It's more than an idea with him - he's a fundamentalist!

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