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Fly Fishing for a change.


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Fathers off work at the moment so he took me as his guest fly fishing (he's not a shooting man) i have never done any fly fishing but it was wet fly for trout on the river, i seemed to get the hang of it alright and had a very nice time.


Two each not massive but good eating size, judging by the number of times i have seen my dad come in empty handed i feel we've done rather well.




Never caught anything worth eating so i took it as an opportunity to learn how to gut fish, just finished up gutting them for tomorrow.


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Honestly I had never even done it before but a very nice way to spend the afternoon.


I am a quick learner but i just watched my dad over head cast for about five minutes, then had a bit of a go feeling like a plonker, you have to give slow rhythmic movements


Stand yourself in the water and let some line out then with a wrist movement you swing the rod in front and behind so as you have perhaps 20 feet of line above your head its not a lot of movement required to get the line up and you can let more line out as your casting then when you have the whole line moving nicely you can swing forward and let the line settle on the water, you want the line out nice and straight so you have to cast at the right time, sometimes you get it right and other time the line settles with a kink in it so then you take the line in your hand and adjust it, you let the fly travel down the river a bit then retrieve and re cast.


When you get a good cast its satisfying but one of the fish i caught was on a really **** cast, its like flight line shooting, they can suddenly turn on and off and you think your in a good spot then it turns off. I don't doubt there is plenty of skill in it but as shown above i don't suspect you have to be perfect to reap some reward for your efforts patience and persistence is probably worth as much as skill.


I'm not a huge fan of fishing in general, don't like sea fishing and i don't like any kind of fishing in still water, and course fishing in the rivers is pretty dull to but the appeal with fly fishing to me is its pretty simple and your always moving and doing something.


Me and my dad don't get much time together at all, we don't not get on but we have different attitudes and approaches to things despite being very similar in other ways so while the fishing was good it meant just as much to be spending some time with him.

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