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Yesterday I was out with Mightymariner and a friend looking for decoying opportunities.


The weather was perfect and to be fair there were quite a few pigeons either feeding on rape or sitting in trees and there was one weak line into a pea field. I was just happy sitting and watching and listening to the wonderful sights and sounds of nature including sky larks, corn bunting, lots of tweety birds and grey partridges. Jasper was getting impatient so I ventured to go round to a wide margin on a rape field which was being used by good numbers of pigeons but there was very little traffic that afternoon.


With just two dead birds on floaters I tucked myself into a hedge and had another fine time at one with nature. During that time I shot four jackdaws and five pigeons. The last pigeon is worth a mention.


The bird came all the way across the rape field and as I raised my gun it veered off at 40m or so and headed downwind. My first shot missed but the second (an accentuated swing in desperation) connected and the bird fell dead 60m or so away in very thick and tall rape. I marked it and with Jasper by my side I headed to the spot, or so I thought. Marooned in the sea of rape pods I felt that I had no chance of finding the bird and I gave Jasper a free hand to look around. The next thing I knew he was out in the open with the dead bird in his mouth waiting for me.


I have had dogs for forty years. They have all been friends rather than machines for doing a job. Jasper did very well on that pigeon and earned considerable praise for an excellent find and retrieve.


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Well done to Jasper.

Having a dog with you gives your shooting another dimension and one satisfying retrieve like than can make a good day even if the bag is limited .

Funnily enough my Lab also made a similar retrieve in some standing rape a couple of weeks or so ago I had already written the bird off but he was back with it in no time .

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A cracking little spaniel you have there in Jasper JDog, and the best of it he is still young, with a life of retreiving pigeons before him.


My lab carried out some similar impressive retreives in standing rape recentlty, but needed a bath as he turned a funny green/yellow colour :)

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