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Bedding a rifle

Essex Keeper

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Doing your first bedding job is something you will never forget but once you have done a few its really not so difficult or a worry if your methodical. I used the Acraglass kit and found it easy to use, the big worry is that the action and stock will be joined for eternity. If you can put a post on this forum then you have all the knowledge on line at your finger tips, just search bedding a rifle and there is a stack of stuff on youtube. A couple of tips that come to mind, don't use the original stock screws when putting stock and action together when bedding, get some threaded bar with the correct thread ( diy store or flea bay ) and nuts to suit. cut to correct size with a bit to spare and screw into action, then slide them into the stock when putting together. You may need to tap these to get the thing apart again, to find correct thread ask on here or online search. Make sure you put tape on as much of the external stock as poss as its a messy job and the bedding ain't design to come off easily.

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The worst thing you can get is a mechanical lock in, I had it once (fixed it and learned from it). I use Locite Hysol 3475a (which is for repair of aluminium castings). The release agent is well polished clear KIwi shoe polish. Masking is electrical tape on the barrel clearance / centralisation / levelling. Std decorators tape on the stock and I clean any mishaps with clear spirit vinegar "look out on the bluing".

Something many miss is levelling, get it wrong and the rifle will not track correctly during recoil. Very back edge of the tang / stock in one point and the barrel wrap the other, the rest should be given clearances and roughed up, even given a few small drill holes to help take the bedding compound.


Fill all the places you don't want bedding to get with plastacine, screw holes etc. Centralise action screws with tape or make inletting screws. Badly centred action screws will take recoil and negate all you have done at the lug.


If you do get a lock in apply heat from a hot air gun or very hot hair drier, it will soften most bedding before its had full cure at least, which could take a week before the gun should be shot


Lots of stuff on-line just bear in mind that there is no peer review and much is rubbish some is golden

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