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Help! Locked safety on remington 870


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Writing this while hanging my head in shame! :unhappy:

Decided last night to try the lock on my 870 safety even though i dont have a key, I know "idle hands and stupidity go well together.

So now i have locked it and unable to unlock it,

Quick look on youtube shows a guy unlocking it with a hairgrip screwdriver and plyers, not something i want to attempt with my record so far.


So anyone out there who has a key and is preferably local medway towns would let me use there key and then shuffle away sheepishly.

Or buy one off a member.

All comments will be well deserved.


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Remove the trigger assembly. (The two push bolts)

You may be able to access the safety internal parts that way.

I fitted a ScatterGun Technologies in place of my normal one....my gun is pre-J Lock safety. ..so if you get stuck for a possible replacement let me know.

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Try phoning Bamfords of Eccleston, near Chorley. They did have a couple of the Green colored plastic keys that fit the safety lock. Once you have a key, the safety lock can be applied and removed easily. I would NOT drill or damage the lock in any way, wait until you can source a key.

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Thank you for the suggestions and will get a key soon as.


I have managed to sort it out , i removed the safety from the trigger assembly replaced it in the unlocked position and put it back together,


Time taken, 1 minute to remove, 1minute to put back and 20 minutes to find the bloody spring that pinged out.

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