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Our french farming cousins


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Our farmers are suffering and are left to sink or swim.


26 miles across the water, an already skint french government has just offered 3 Billion Euros over the next 3 years to its farmers. I assume this is on top of the current CAP subsidies.

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I do not know the details here. Presumably it is within the CAP rules?

But, in general terms, If the French Government pay farmers "subsidies" which have not been approved by the European Commision then this is regarded as a State Aid. Unapproved State Aids are a big No No. So, in response, the Commision would then reduce the CAP funding it reimburses to France by the amount equivalent to that State Aid. They call ithis process a "Disallowance" (a sort of Penalty or Fine).

Would this disallowance worry the French? Not at all. If they want to subsidise their farmers and it means breaking the rules in a structured way they do it. Their philosophy seems to be that the end justifies the means. C'est La Vie!!

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Good on therench for looking after their own.


Can u imagine wot would happen if farmers took their tractors into cities here??

Even sites like this which u'd expect to be fairly farmer friendly would be calling them for everything. General public in this country don't care about buying anything local or buying anything made in this country


Almost a similar thing buying something slightly dearer shooting stuff from a local shop rather than the cheapest on the internet all the time. If u don't support local farmers/shops or businesses they will disapear

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Good on therench for looking after their own.


Can u imagine wot would happen if farmers took their tractors into cities here??

Even sites like this which u'd expect to be fairly farmer friendly would be calling them for everything. General public in this country don't care about buying anything local or buying anything made in this country


Almost a similar thing buying something slightly dearer shooting stuff from a local shop rather than the cheapest on the internet all the time. If u don't support local farmers/shops or businesses they will disapear

Yup, bang on.

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I quite like the bits of Gallic lifestyle I have been lucky enough to experience.

Superb wine for a couple of Euros?

Bakeries in adjacent villages closing on alternate days to help the local economy?

Friendly helpful locals?


Just taking from the EU the bits that actually benefit France and sticking the fingers up to the bits that don't?

I well remember a French Politician telling a reporter in impeccable English the main difference between France and England? He recited the bit about them only taking things of benefit whereas he said we always took everything imposed and then usually wanted more?


Another classic quote was about their insistence of local Abbatoirs irrespective of cost, to keep to an absolute minimum the distance animals had to travel?

Our chap, can't remember DEFRA? or similar replied that cost was the only factor of concern here?


Obviously a much more grown up outlook?



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