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more struggles on the way for the shooting community?


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Just come across this on a facebook group... Anyone else aware of it... doesn't surprise me really, I would have thought there are plenty in senior posts in the police who would like a total ban.. Wanting something and getting something through are totally different propositions though... still relevant to us though:



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Scary stuff indeed, ( although not surprising, nor indeed has it been any secret that there is high profile ACPO opposition to the public ownership of firearms) and may be even more so under the guise of 'anti terrorism' legislation when it transpires that some of the 'refugees' we have accommodated turn out to be ISIS ?

Interesting times ahead indeed perhaps?

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Scary stuff indeed, ( although not surprising, nor indeed has it been any secret that there is high profile ACPO opposition to the public ownership of firearms) and may be even more so under the guise of 'anti terrorism' legislation when it transpires that some of the 'refugees' we have accommodated turn out to be ISIS ?

Interesting times ahead indeed perhaps?

Atm it appears this is just the ideas put forward by one (idiotic) officer.


Hopefully it stays that way!

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It sounds like they want to reduce the number of applications by marking it harder to get a certificate, reduce the number and capability of firearms out there, make more money from the licencing system, and justify their existence and maintain their workload by making it more beaurocratic.


Although, I've always been a fan of the "Mandatory Training" part, as I've seen the German system in action, and really liked how it worked. However, there is always a lot of money to be made through training, and the last few courses with work I've been on have been £400 to £1000 a day, so if they follow that route of charging serious cash for training, you'd have a lot of people put-off from the sport.


Nevertheless, let's hope this doesn't get passed. When will they realise that law-abiding licence holders aren't the ones to go after, it's the criminals!

Edited by J_Edwards
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This unfortunately could be reality within 10 years unless the major shooting bodies formally unite into one body. But then those currently in control would hold less power so that's not going to happen.

Joking aside I do firmly believe that 1 body is needed to represent shooters in the uk

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It sounds like they want to reduce the number of applications by marking it harder to get a certificate, reduce the number and capability of firearms out there, make more money from the licencing system, and justify their existence and maintain their workload by making it more beaurocratic.


Although, I've always been a fan of the "Mandatory Training" part, as I've seen the German system in action, and really liked how it worked. However, there is always a lot of money to be made through training, and the last few courses with work I've been on have been £400 to £1000 a day, so if they follow that route of charging serious cash for training, you'd have a lot of people put-off from the sport.


Nevertheless, let's hope this doesn't get passed. When will they realise that law-abiding licence holders aren't the ones to go after, it's the criminals!



the big problem with this it will most likely be administrated by someone with no interest or knowledge of the subject and just reading through the notes in front of them . just like a cpc course I did what a waste of time.

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Worth noting this bit at the bottom of the first linked page chaps:


"It is worth reiterating that none of this has made it into the Law Commission’s current review. It appears that Continuity ACPO were, mercifully, too slow responding to the LC for this to be included. For the moment, we are safe within the sensible confines of the current licensing system.​"


I'm not saying we should be complacent and I'm glad BASC are looking at this (when, oh when, will someone do a judicial review on all of the **** the police stir up for those of us who have broken no laws!?) but it looks like we've got away with it for now.


Of course, I may have to buy some more shotguns just in case they try to take away my 3-shot semi. I suspect I won't be the only one, which would seem to indicate that their wish-list would likely end up being counter productive, as we'd all need four guns to get 8 shots off quickly whilst decoying, rather than a single FAC shotgun...

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Acpo were slow this time but coppers never forget!they wont be so slow next time.complacency will kill us if we let it and we cant afford to move an inch on this or theyll take a mile.drip by drip removal is what theyre after.Makes you laugh doesnt it that the police supposed to work for us!theyre just another political party.

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