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Some One Has it in for ME


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I am very upset at the moment.


Car was sat in a car park today as I took the train to work, nothing unusual there.


Get home and make a trip over to the allotment to do a few bits and bobs only to find my shed trashed and my peas sown in gutters spread over the shed roof...... :good:


As I walk back to the car I notice it has been keyed all down the passenger side:








;):D:/:D:/ :o


I don't live in a problem area, it is a quite Sussex town.


The car damaged either happened at the station car park or while I was at the allotment.


The allotment damage was done some time between 7pm last night and 7pm today.


Somehow I feel it is because I have Countryside Alliance/BASC/NOBS stickers in the car. Last year I had two tyres slashed over night whilst the car was sat in my drive.


Why should I be victimised....there are loads of damn cars out there with RSPB stickers and the like but do I go out and cause financial pain to the owners?:P???


Damn right I dont!


The allotment I can live with though the kids are upset as they sowed the peas. 10 minutes work and they will be resown. The shed will need a few hours work though.


The car makes me made though, that will cost.


Annoyed of Sussex



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Now you see what the wrong part of this will be, when you report it to the police, they will do absolutely <insert lots of swear words here> about it, telling you that they will probably never catch the perpetrators. BUT on the other hand, if you were to take matters into your own hands you would be treated worse than a paedophile or a wife beater, its a joke. This is a cowardly act.


Now I must point out that revenge attacks are not the way to handle this. Retaliation is merely a way to lose the battle.

If I had upset someone then I would much prefer that person to knock my door and smash my teeth in than act behind cover.


I sincerely hope you do find out who done this and they are made to pay, but unfortunately I wouldn't hold my breath and put any faith in todays justice.

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Same old bull......if the police had evidence to take action they would......they can't magic the wrong doers out of a cloud of smoke.....stop posting victim messages about how the boys/girls in blue don't take action....I think damaging someones car becasue they have hunting stickers absolutely disgusting..... If you could go along to the local cop shop with some sort of firm evidence then they would take action


as has been said, I hope you get a word on who has done this and take the appropriate action.....'tis a strange world we live in today.





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I've heard of quite a few cases of this happening.


That's why I'd never display any car stickers that anybody else, (however misguided), might object to.


Unless you can watch over your precious motor 24/7, it's just not worth it, 'cos there's always plenty of idiots out there who are just looking to nobble a motor belonging to the Upper Class Hunting Shooting & Fishing Brigade.


And don't expect any help from the Old Bill, 'cos they're far too busy closing down police stations and taking cops off the street to bother with an act of "minor vandalism".


Speak to your insurance company, I'm sure they'll understand..?? :good:



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Now you see what the wrong part of this will be, when you report it to the police, they will do absolutely <insert lots of swear words here> about it, telling you that they will probably never catch the perpetrators. BUT on the other hand, if you were to take matters into your own hands you would be treated worse than a paedophile or a wife beater, its a joke. This is a cowardly act.


Now I must point out that revenge attacks are not the way to handle this. Retaliation is merely a way to lose the battle.

If I had upset someone then I would much prefer that person to knock my door and smash my teeth in than act behind cover.


I sincerely hope you do find out who done this and they are made to pay, but unfortunately I wouldn't hold my breath and put any faith in todays justice.


It is a joke ( not very funny though ) If the police see them doing it the action taken would be you naughty boy take this caution and be off with you" tut tut". Now the best bit if they see you defending you property ( the thing they can`t do) it would be a few years being looked after by the Queen and no more SGC or FAC :good:

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Not aimed at you sandersj89, more at the "police don't care / won't do anything" brigade..


Do you not think that anger is best directed at the government rather than the police, though? I am sure the copper on the street would love to help you out, but how exactly is he going to do that?


Or are coppers clairvoyants these days?


Get a description you might stand a chance, CCTV and you might get lucky. But if nobody see's who did it who the hell is going to find them?


Its a ****ty mindless thing keying someone's car, worse I think if there is no motivation other than random mindless vandalism.


Given the allotment thing, and the car thing, I would consider getting some CCTV cameras in.

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I'm with you there, but the police don't make the laws, they have the unenviable job of enforcing any two bit piece of legislation this bunch of halfwits we call a government make up this week :good:


I know what I'd do if I caught someone mucking about with my motor or my house, if I got done I wouldn't blame the police though.

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It may be two separate incidents, it may not. You noticed both things at the same time. The individual concerned may have trashed your allotment just before you arrived, waited for you to leave your car then keyed it and left. Maybe even giving you a smug grin as they passed.

Alotments, believe it or not are a hotbed of jealousy, and resentment.

Personally i dont put BASC stickers in my car as i hate bottleless ***** that take cheapshots at cars.

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Personally i dont put BASC stickers in my car as i hate bottleless ***** that take cheapshots at cars.


Its a shame we can't show our affiliation and support, however the antis don't advertise the fact either - perhaps that's cowardice on their part, but then that's what they are. People hating cowardly idiots.

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It has gotten the same with football teams badges on license plates a rival team will see that and think lets do it is to stupid nowadays the law is to soft a paedophile in our school was arrested charged and sentenced all he got was a community sentence you can find it in the liverpool echo

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Personally i dont put BASC stickers in my car as i hate bottleless ***** that take cheapshots at cars.


Its a shame we can't show our affiliation and support, however the antis don't advertise the fact either - perhaps that's cowardice on their part, but then that's what they are. People hating cowardly idiots.


I once saw a car with a LACS sticker in the back window. I thought "scumbags" they`re going to get the finger if i get the chance. It was two old gippers in the car. It probably had the sticker in it when they bought it.

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Thanks guys.


Yes you are right the 2 incidents may or may not be linked, I will never know and no one has seen anything that I have spoken to so far.


I have requested the CCTV tape of the camera at the station car park to see if that shows up anything but I am not holding my breath.


I have reported it to the police, only really to get a crime ref number for the insurance if I decide to go down that route.


As for the chances of getting a legal result, then I am afraid I have little hope, the law is an ***.


Will I stop having BASC/CA stickers in my car....no. I am not going to let them stop me showing my support for something I feel strongly about.



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Dont the antis do everybodies heads in today at the grand national they where outside the gates with signs " dont back cruelty" just to annoy them I went over asked for the odds and what race it ran in they just stared at me while my mates where laughing ther heads off

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Dont the antis do everybodies heads in today at the grand national they where outside the gates with signs " dont back cruelty" just to annoy them I went over asked for the odds and what race it ran in they just stared at me while my mates where laughing ther heads off




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