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Gotta admit I in the last 2 years have moved to Hawke scopes.

I know there is better glass out there but I dont want to spend big bucks when the rifles range is a limiting factor anyway. Maybe if it was a CF then I would spend the money.


Bob, PM coming your way !





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Gotta admit I in the last 2 years have moved to Hawke scopes.

I know there is better glass out there but I dont want to spend big bucks when the rifles range is a limiting factor anyway. Maybe if it was a CF then I would spend the money.


Bob, PM coming your way !





You're so right. It's just not worth the money for top notch glass when you're only shooting airgun ranges!

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The other day I looked threw a big light stream and yes fair enough you could see the diffence but this scope was £1k and mine was £200 so I would blooming well want to be able to see a difference between the two especally if I owned the more expensive scope.


But my Hawke Sidewinder and Panorama both allow me to see bunnys/quarry that are even out of range for my sib 12 and fac air rifles in very good clarity.





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well chaps, the HW is finally shooting how it should, after a few minor adjustments it is now single hole groups out to 40yrds,


the power has also been reduced to 11.6ftlb with the jsb heavies as it was way to close to the limit at 11.98ftlb,


will put a few pics up tomorrow

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well chaps, the HW is finally shooting how it should, after a few minor adjustments it is now single hole groups out to 40yrds,


the power has also been reduced to 11.6ftlb with the jsb heavies as it was way to close to the limit at 11.98ftlb,


will put a few pics up tomorrow


You can't just say that Bob, we need more info! :lol:

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Hallelujah well done mate. Bring it down to Costains Puddington one Sunday afternoon.

sunday afternoon ??? I thought that was just clays,,doubt I,ll hit one of them with it :lol::lol: :lol: :lol: its hard enough with the shotgun :good::good:


Why you just won't admit it was shooting like that straight out of the box? You can bin your Daystates now ... :lol:

wish I could mate, I wouldn,t of spent 3 days on it


Why you just won't admit it was shooting like that straight out of the box? You can bin your Daystates now ... :lol:

not a chance, it will take some to be as accurate as my ranger, or any of them for that matter

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Can you get more accurate than 1 hole groups at 40 yards? Or more precisely, why worry about a couple of millimetres difference at the far end of hunting ranges? Whatever rifle you have I think it's far more important that you feel comfortable and confident with a gun than how small the one hole group is.

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well boys and gals, I,ve had a week playing with my new toy/hunting machine, well what can I say,,,,,


it is shooting bloody excellent, the one thing that has done my head in is the magazine can only be loaded from the right, also I much prefer a bolt action. Now I know the side lever is a good mech and is simple to use but I do cock and then push the bolt in slowly ( as she said last night lol ) so I can feel the pellet entering the barrel but with the side lever it does not have the same feel as a bolt, also I find it much easier with the bolt to cock, maybe that's just my daystates I don't know, whilst in the prone position I also like to once the bolt is pulled back I normally remove the mag with my left hand then replace new mag with same hand and automatically push the bolt forward in one smooth action,, I cant do this with the hw100kt, I have to pull the side lever back take the mag lock off then remove the mag then replace with the new mag doing all this whilst my left hand is holding the rifle, it is a pain but I,ll just have to get on with it,


other than those two problems ( my own feelings ) the rifle has performed superb this week since replacing the accushot scope with the panorama EV,

pellet wise the rifle has been quite fussy with AA diabolo and jsb heavy,s being the best grouping pellets so far, only problem so far has been the Air Arms pellets are lowering the ftlb,s but not enough to be worried about as its still slightly over the 11ftlb level so I,m happy,

weight wise it is fine and lighter than the wolverine b and airwolf but actually feels the same as the air ranger,

am I impressed,,,,,yes but time will tell if I can get on with it, so far its looking pretty good and performance wise (with the scope I,m familiar with) its superb,


I,ll put a couple of pics up to show you how well its shooting now sometime tomorrow,,,


right as this is about Air rifle and why, I bumped into an old shooting buddy today ( now packed in ) and guess what I ended up getting one of my favourite rifles off him, he doesn,t use it and its been locked up in the cabinet for years,,,,,


Its a pre anti tamper Air Arms s410 .22 in mint condition except for a couple of marks on the silencer and had an air leak which can be sorted, the bluing is in excellent condition considering its age so today I spent ALL day stripping it down and giving it a full service (seals) leak has stopped and all I need to do now is , is put a panorama EV on it ,

it will be the perfect tool for our ratting trips so over the moon with it, the stock is beech so I,m looking for another stock in walnut, if anyone has one for sale, cant tell ya how much I paid for it but lets just say, a couple of pints springs to mind he he,,

heres some picks of the little bargain






as you can see ,for a rifle thats over 10yrd old its mint, when I stripped it down and looked down the barrel after a good clean it was as new, so now here,s to this week getting the s410 ready to use on the rats


atb Evo

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Evo, Are you left or right handed ?


Am right handed and find that right handed loading is my preferred side to load from and when shooting from the passenger side of a vehicle its also natural having the right hand doing the unload and exchange of mags on the dash !


I know what you mean though about the feel of the pellet on loading. Ease of loading the HW mag I do find easier as it just seems to loacate easier than the DS mags.


Have you tried the express yet ? I was shooting them on sunday at the Daystate Midlands HFT series and it was blowing a gale, although lighter at 7.9gn they werent effected any more so than those using 8.4gn pellets.


It sounds like the Hawke Panorama scopes just really suit you ! Do you have them in the half mil dot ret.





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Evo, Are you left or right handed ?


Am right handed and find that right handed loading is my preferred side to load from and when shooting from the passenger side of a vehicle its also natural having the right hand doing the unload and exchange of mags on the dash !


I know what you mean though about the feel of the pellet on loading. Ease of loading the HW mag I do find easier as it just seems to loacate easier than the DS mags.


Have you tried the express yet ? I was shooting them on sunday at the Daystate Midlands HFT series and it was blowing a gale, although lighter at 7.9gn they werent effected any more so than those using 8.4gn pellets.


It sounds like the Hawke Panorama scopes just really suit you ! Do you have them in the half mil dot ret.





matt it was throwing the express all over the place mate,, the panoramas I use are all half milldot and are superb glass for the money

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This one, because its just simply awesome :good: FAC, 38ftlbs with Bis mag 21grn, although I now use Air Arms 18grn. Don't know what they are pushing out, but the collection below had no complaints!


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very nice mate, have you tried the barracuda match through it as I found them more accurate than the bis mags, certainly a great rifle,but marc I thought you would have joined the mole bandwagon and bought a hatsan Galatian FAC instead of that stunner above mate :lol::lol: :lol:


for accuracy mate and the electronic trigger the Wolf is second to none

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well this has died a death quite quick seeing as its author was so anti anything but his Daystates.

welcome to the forum Greg,


firstly can I just say that yes I do have daystates as my favourites but I have also enjoyed and owned many other makes of air rifles, BSA, Weihrauch Air Arms, and last but not least webley and scott, now don't get me wrong but all the brands I have owned I,ve always bought the best MY money could afford and the reason for this is I always believe you do get what you pay for , oh and while I,m on the subject ,, YES Daystate are overpriced but in saying that they are quality rifles be it electronic/mechanical.


if you look at my signature you will see I don't just own daystates, I actually went out and bought a new weihrauch HW100KT .177, I did this after reading many article,s , also watching many many reviews but most importantly what made my mind up was speaking to people on Pigeon Watch and mainly owners and users of the hw100kt, I tried the older hw100 and was not really impressed with its weight or styling ,but the important thing is they (hw100) are an exceptionally robust well built rifle, very accurate and have certainly stood the test of time and the KT100 carbine is a very nice rifle to shoulder and shoot, another reason I bought one was because I wanted another rifle for pest control and although I could have bought another Daystate I decided to buy a german engineered rifle instead, so far after a bit of adjustments and work on the rifle it is shooting superbly accurate and it will certainly fit the job I will be asking it to do,


Greg I really cant understand why you would take your time to post such a comment but as I always say " everyone is entitled to their opinion " even if it does make them look a little silly


best wishes



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Oi Bob, "After a bit of adjustments and work on the rifle"..........you just took that carp scope off and replaced it with one that pointed in the right direction :lol::lol::good:

and don't I wish it was that easy,,,


marc I firstly replaced the scope then spent a day testing all the pellets out, guess what ? it was exactly the same, I then decided to sod the warranty and strip the rifle down and polish everything that could be polished, I didn,t fancy stripping the trigger unit down though, I then spent another few hours putting everything meticulously back together, replaced the scope back on and spent another half day testing the pellets out and low and behold it is shooting very well with jsb heavies . it wont perform with any others to the standard I want it too,

after speaking to a local target guy to me he has advised me to try another pellet through it, he gave me about 60 pellets to try and it is shooting very well with those also, the barrel is probably one of the fussiest barrels I,ve ever come across so I have now decided to weigh each tin of pellets and put the pellets into groups , this has again improved the grouping, I am giving the rifle to a very very competent HFT shooter who uses the hw100kt for all his comps and to a very high standard and he is going to put it through its paces and make a few minor adjustments but mainly to the trigger assembly which he said was a little harsh, so all is now looking good

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