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damson vodka the ups and downs


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Bottled some of my Damson Gin yesterday after a 10 week soak. Wasn't sure if it would be ready but it's actually not bad at all.


I have 3 types of damson/bullace so each one is clearly labelled so I can compare/test as needed.


I hope everyone else is getting good results.

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The first 2 brews are `genuine` Damsons (different sources). The 3rd brew are local bullaces that look almost like mini-damsons (same skin texture and colour). They went in a bit later so will `sample` next week and see how it goes. I've got 6 Kilner jars on the go so hope that some will survive until next year! :whistling:

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Was given a 10 year old bottle of home made damson gin. To say it's aged well is an understatement. Only half a bottle remains and I've had it 4 days.

We don't think it will last the weekend.

the longest i have let a bottle mature was 3 years and was exceptional, 10 years ehh, i make that about a year for each day you have had a tipple, sounds fantastic.

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  • 3 years later...

Hi, i moved into a house with a damson tree this year i thought id try out making some damson gin. Ive just took it out of my cupboard  after 3 months, opened it up and bottled it. I dont know how its ment to taste but im dubious about it. It does smell of rotting fruit and the colour is orange? Probably a daft question but is this right?

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I think you have, I had better come round and releave you of it before you do yourself some harm:yahoo:

You will almost always get some sediment which is easily filtered out or just pour it very gently so as not to disturb it.    I filter through either a coffee filter or just a piece of kitchen paper set in a funnel.. Been making stuff now for longer than I can remember and I am still here.

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1 hour ago, Walker570 said:

I think you have, I had better come round and releave you of it before you do yourself some harm:yahoo:

You will almost always get some sediment which is easily filtered out or just pour it very gently so as not to disturb it.    I filter through either a coffee filter or just a piece of kitchen paper set in a funnel.. Been making stuff now for longer than I can remember and I am still here.

That's good Walker it's the first batch I've made so wasnt just sure if that was right or not. It smells ok to! 

Will get it opened and filtered into another bottle at christmas when the family is round! Hopefully not poison them 😂😂

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21 hours ago, WinkerWatson said:

That's good Walker it's the first batch I've made so wasnt just sure if that was right or not. It smells ok to! 

Will get it opened and filtered into another bottle at christmas when the family is round! Hopefully not poison them 😂😂

The great thing about dousing fruit in strong alcohol is that it kills anything that could cause a problem. Never had a batch go wrong, and I'm willing to throw almost anything in if the fancy takes me.

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Patience when filtering is a virtue..  Do not be tempted to squeeze the filter to get it to run faster or finish that last drop or you will have the stuff your trying to filter break through.

I don't waste that last few dregs. Just lift the filter out and gently sqeeze into a handy glass/tumbler ... nothing wrong with it, why waste it but the good stuff is nice and clear to share with friends and family.  As Mr_N says you can infuse almost any fruit with vodka, gin, rum, brandy, whisky, etc etc   If you can get some nice very ripe figs then chop those and add vodka...not a lot of sugar with figs as they have a lot of sweetness to start with.

Edited by Walker570
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