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Full moon foxing


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The last couple of times I have been out I have shot a few foxes and seen or heard a couple more. I was hesitant to go out last night as it was a clear sky and a full moon so not ideal but I have shot foxes on similar nights so decided to give it a go.


First 2 farms (50 and 150 acres) showed no signs which is good as they have both had fox problems in the past until I managed to get the foxes under control earlier in the year.


Farm number 3, which is around 350 acres, was quiet for the first 6 or 7 fields. Saw a flicker of eyes in amongst the cattle but it wasnt very bright so I though it was probably a badger. Checked through the NV and saw a fox trying to break the land speed record to get away from me. I called for a couple of minutes and to my surprise a nice bright pair of eyes appeared around 250 yards away. Got set up and watched the fox trot in amongst the cattle. I let him get to 100 yards and dropped him with a chest shot. Nice big dog fox. Apologies for not having a pic of him, I left the phone in the truck and didnt fancy a miles walk to get it.


I had to cover a fair bit more ground to get back to where I had parked up (on a circular walk). Over to another suitable spot where I can see a couple of good fields. Called for 10 minutes and despite the sheep stampeding all over the place I saw another set of eyes coming across a neighbouring farm. Over to the NV and he was making good progress. Quick squeak and he shot along the fence line, to be fair I though he had winded me. One last squeak and he popped under the fence and shot up the field towards me, obviously one of this years cubs. He stopped at 60 yards and took a 80 grain soft point in the middle of his chest (he was facing me).


Another couple less to cause any problems.



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well done mike the full moon is proving quiet productive for foxes which is strange as usually has opposite effect,what call are you using .

Cheers mate. I have been using my hand to call the majority of the last few. I also have a Wam caller that seems to bring a few in or I ll use the Foxpro Wildfire.

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Well done Mike good shooting i have had 3 this week i use the Bresser hand held to spot then over to the NS Eagle to shoot i find if you stand still and call it dosent matter how much light the moon gives off as long as you are not moving around they will come i am back out tonight if it stops raining

Edited by Rim Fire
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Well done Mike good shooting i have had 3 this week i use the Bresser hand held to spot then over to the NS Eagle to shoot i find if you stand still and call it dosent matter how much light the moon gives off as long as you are not moving around they will come i am back out tonight if it stops raining

Cheers mate. Good luck for tonight, I think I will try sleeping for a change.


There is always a shadow to stand in ;-)

Thats a fair point mate but standing in your own shadow doesnt count :lol:

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Good result mate , last couple of full moons has been diabolical for us. Out last night on 2 farms and saw nothing :/ but have shot them in the past under full moons .

Cheers mate. There are a few foxes left on the ground....my wife drove home past the farm last night about 6.15 and one crossed the road in front of her. I ll leave them for a few days whilst I catch up on my beauty sleep :lol:


Over the years I have realised that it is worth giving it a go under pretty well all circumstances, though I prefer it to be cloudy, no moon, windy (in the right direction), warm, dry and no animal poo on the ground I am lying on. :yes:


To be fair the last few outings have been the exception rather then the rule as many outings end with nothing shot. I am sure you will catch up with some soon.

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My motto has always been you cant shoot em sitting in the house but out again last night on 2 spots and again nothing seen ....I never give up though as the next night you may shoot a couple.

Shot them in the past under the stillest , frostiest full moon and blanked on dark windy nights .....That's why we love it so much .......the challenge :yes:

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My motto has always been you cant shoot em sitting in the house but out again last night on 2 spots and again nothing seen ....I never give up though as the next night you may shoot a couple.

Shot them in the past under the stillest , frostiest full moon and blanked on dark windy nights .....That's why we love it so much .......the challenge :yes:

Totally agree with you there mate. The fog here is stopping me from getting out at the moment but fingers crossed it will clear in the next couple of days and back to it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Totally agree with you there mate. The fog here is stopping me from getting out at the moment but fingers crossed it will clear in the next couple of days and back to it.

Yeah, fog has hampered things a little. Two foxes bolted out from the cover on our shoot a few weeks back. Managed to get one with paul223 and Ed during the following week. However seen the other during last Saturdays drive.


As quoted, you can't shoot in house. I like that one. Haha.


Good luck.

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Yeah, fog has hampered things a little. Two foxes bolted out from the cover on our shoot a few weeks back. Managed to get one with paul223 and Ed during the following week. However seen the other during last Saturdays drive.


As quoted, you can't shoot in house. I like that one. Haha.


Good luck.

Cheers mate. Good luck catching up with the other fox bud, looks like it will be the rain thats an issue rather then the fog

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