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2nd Pheasant Shoot this year


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Well with rain all night and still raining as we arrived to the shoot, I was panicking that the birds wouldn't fly. Especially as we had Sparkie from here as a guest.

1st Drive.

This drive we have some maize cover crop, the beaters and dogs did a great job, pushing some good sporting birds over the guns. Straight away I felt better as the birds had got up well. Sparkie connecting with a couple and my lad with a good one.

2nd Drive

This is a rough bank and it is ROUGH, the beaters and dogs fighting there way through. Again some good cock birds pushed out, turning in the wind, right over one of our young lads being supervised by his Father, good to see him connect with his first 2 cock pheasants. Sparkie again having a couple.

3rd Drive.

This is where we push down two boundary hedges back to the main shoot, only one bird flushed, which is good for me, as the birds must not of strayed that far, not so good for the wating guns.


4th Drive.

This is the Ducks, they flew really well producing good sporting shots for all guns, I did see Sparkie connect with a left and Right and a couple of singles, which I must say dropped from a great height.

5th Drive

Again we have a bit of maize cover crop, well the amount of birds that came from here was amazing, Gingar connecting with some high cock birds, Sparkie with a couple as well.

6th drive.

No pheasant flushed here, but I did see my first woodcock of the season

7th Drive

Again not much flushed here, but I did see a fox run up the outside of the wood.


We now went over to the other side of the shoot, to knock any birds back home, putting the guns out to shoot any birds flying away but to leave any going home. Well there was few bird that flew really high and I mean high, Sparkie not connecting to any ha ha.



Worrying, will they fly or not



Sparkie and Gingar ready for action




Ended the day with,

47 pheasant

37 Duck

2 pigeon and a rook

Edited by reggiegun
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only just seen this and ive been in here a couple times this week lol it was a great day the bad weather managed to keep off and some great birds were shot...

Well with rain all night and still raining as we arrived to the shoot, I was panicking that the birds wouldn't fly. Especially as we had Sparkie from here as a guest.
1st Drive.
This drive we have some maize cover crop, the beaters and dogs did a great job, pushing some good sporting birds over the guns. Straight away I felt better as the birds had got up well. Sparkie connecting with a couple and my lad with a good one.
2nd Drive
This is a rough bank and it is ROUGH, the beaters and dogs fighting there way through. Again some good cock birds pushed out, turning in the wind, right over one of our young lads being supervised by his Father, good to see him connect with his first 2 cock pheasants. Sparkie again having a couple.
3rd Drive.
This is where we push down two boundary hedges back to the main shoot, only one bird flushed, which is good for me, as the birds must not of strayed that far, not so good for the wating guns.
4th Drive.
This is the Ducks, they flew really well producing good sporting shots for all guns, I did see Sparkie connect with a left and Right and a couple of singles, which I must say dropped from a great height. OHHH YERRR SOME REALLY HIGH DUCKS HIT THE DECK
5th Drive
Again we have a bit of maize cover crop, well the amount of birds that came from here was amazing, Gingar connecting with some high cock birds, Sparkie with a couple as well.
6th drive.
No pheasant flushed here, but I did see my first woodcock of the season
7th Drive
Again not much flushed here, but I did see a fox run up the outside of the wood.

We now went over to the other side of the shoot, to knock any birds back home, putting the guns out to shoot any birds flying away but to leave any going home. Well there was few bird that flew really high and I mean high, Sparkie not connecting to any ha ha.

Didn't connect with any of the 3 on the last drive that flew over.


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Worrying, will they fly or not

Sparkie and Gingar ready for action


Ended the day with,
47 pheasant
37 Duck
2 pigeon and a rook



Sounds like a grand day in the difficult weather. Well done to sparkie and Alix on the high birds and Alix looking very smart :good:

All the best



I would have had my tweed suit on but was instructed not to as it would get wrecked by reggiegun

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