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Wing shooting Africa


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Just bought the plane ticket for me and a mate to fly out to Bloemfontein in may for a weeks bird shooting. Anyone been over there shooting? Tips welcome.

I have already decided not to take my gun as apparently a semi will require an easement payment to help it through. I don't want to take my s pigeon as i don't want to wreck it.

Cant wait :)

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Can be some of the most exciting and challenging shooting going. Fast, furious and tricky ...and that's just the rockys!

21/24g 7.5s a good brimmed hat, a recoil pad and a sense of humour when looking at the cartridge v bag numbers all help.

Bloem is in the sunflower/corn belt. It is also a drought region so may be a bit patchy this year.

Why easement$$$? SA temp import/export licences are free unless you are paying an agent? They can be got in advance given time and proper form filling.

The Free State is not for those allergic to good meat, brandy n coke ....

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Reference Post #2.

And if you do overindulge,don't mention your ancestors in the the Boer War.The Vrystaters still remember.

'Vrystaters' do they still identify with this?


Something I fancy doing one day. Spill the beans how much?

£1900 all in including drinks although cant imagine the beers up to much. Plus shells at £300 a 1000. After the flights i dont think its so bad for what you get. I may be sick of shooting by the end of the week. Its full on starting at 6 each day, break for breakfast lunch and dinner and out in the evening too. Rifles on hand if you want to shoot ground squirrels.

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'Vrystaters' do they still identify with this?


£1900 all in including drinks although cant imagine the beers up to much. Plus shells at £300 a 1000. After the flights i dont think its so bad for what you get. I may be sick of shooting by the end of the week. Its full on starting at 6 each day, break for breakfast lunch and dinner and out in the evening too. Rifles on hand if you want to shoot ground squirrels.

Could you forward me some details please.

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