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Farmers/keepers gun


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Hi all

Just been thinking about what gun all you would class as an all round workhorse either for a farmer or a keeper. Been looking for threads on here but can't seem to find any.. I come from a farming background and as long as I can remember we would never go out on the land be it fixing fences or checking cattle without the trusty farm 12bore 'just in case'..

In the last 12 months I've been helping out a few days a week with a local Keeper. We drive around in the gaitor feeding up, dogging in etc and carry both his 12bore and my 17hmr. This seems to cover most bases. The shotgun for squirrels in the trees or anything flying and the 17 for rabbits and close foxes. I thought of taking my 222 along but really don't feel the need, the hassle of having another gun in the vehicle outweighs the chance of seeing a fox that requires the centrefire eg. Over 100yards. In consistently this did occur then yes. In the last 3 weeks we've shot numerous pigeons, a couple rabbits (suffered heavily from mixy so not a lot around, especially in daytime) 11 squirrels and a fox, all wouldn't have been dealt with without a gun at hand.

So basically I'm asking in your experience, knowledge or opinion what gun/guns would you carry on a normal work day on the land, be it on the farm or shoot that you think would be useful.

I always thought of taking the 22lr for around the pens for the lack of noise and disturbance but again couldn't justify 'another' gun in the cab..


Look forward to hearing your stories,


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I still like a folder. Single barrel 20g. Just ordering a Little Squirrel in .22lr. I tried one in the States earlier in the year and found it a great little gun. Well done Edger Bros for importing them. The little squirrel is a folder. I feel more comfortable being able to put the folders in my Van Vault, for when the pickup is out of sight.

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I still like a folder. Single barrel 20g. Just ordering a Little Squirrel in .22lr. I tried one in the States earlier in the year and found it a great little gun. Well done Edger Bros for importing them. The little squirrel is a folder. I feel more comfortable being able to put the folders in my Van Vault, for when the pickup is out of sight.

hello fisheruk, just had a looksy at those badger/squirrel .22 L/Rs how much are they ?

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