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well boys, here is my new toy,


the Air Arms EV2 mk4 cant wait to get this beast setup for FT


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bud where did you get that coaster round the objective from could do with one for my none sf scope when using nv



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Well my ghast is flabbered first a HW100 and now an AA, I hear Daystate have called an extraordinary general meeting and sacked the marketing director.


Good luck with your new toy Evo certainly looks the dogs danglies.




cheers Bri, I,m sick of waiting for daystate to produce a decent FT rifle so ended up with an Air Arms Ev2, like many other new rifles on the block the older ones did have teething problems with the regulator but this mk4 has had allsorts done to it, its just had a full service and the reg is in tip top shape, I fired 50 shots through the chrono and it only had a spread of 9fps over the 50 shots which is certainly as good as my reg,d daystates, the rifle is shooting 11.7ftllb max which I,m happy with, I just need to drop the new sightron III 10x50x60 on top and get out and get the thing tuned in,also need to make a few adjustments on the rifle itself so as it is like an extension to my arm, it will take a few weeks getting used to it but so far its single hole groups to 30yrds , its motionless when you pull the trigger,basically the same as my electronic Airwolf, one thing I will say is the build quality is superb, its solid, have to say the side lever is super smooth and it makes the side lever on the hw100kt feel very cheaply made, there is no comparison, still prefer using a bolt but for target work the sidelever is a must,

the whole feel of the rifle is quality and to be honest I was very impressed when I first used one, I,m that impressed I might just buy myself an ftp900 as well :lol::lol: :lol:

Edited by evo
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cheers Bri, I,m sick of waiting for daystate to produce a decent FT rifle so ended up with an Air Arms Ev2, like many other new rifles on the block the older ones did have teething problems with the regulator but this mk4 has had allsorts done to it, its just had a full service and the reg is in tip top shape, I fired 50 shots through the chrono and it only had a spread of 9fps over the 50 shots which is certainly as good as my reg,d daystates, the rifle is shooting 11.7ftllb max which I,m happy with, I just need to drop the new sightron III 10x50x60 on top and get out and get the thing tuned in,also need to make a few adjustments on the rifle itself so as it is like an extension to my arm, it will take a few weeks getting used to it but so far its single hole groups to 30yrds , its motionless when you pull the trigger,basically the same as my electronic Airwolf, one thing I will say is the build quality is superb, its solid, have to say the side lever is super smooth and it makes the side lever on the hw100kt feel very cheaply made, there is no comparison, still prefer using a bolt but for target work the sidelever is a must,

the whole feel of the rifle is quality and to be honest I was very impressed when I first used one, I,m that impressed I might just buy myself an ftp900 as well :lol::lol: :lol:

i hope your wife hasn't read this

ATB Roger

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This is the club I shot at since I was 17 ( now 33) it's the oldest FT club in the country and the most popular when it comes to the midland winter league .

It's worth a drive down . Take a look .


In the gallery you'll notice an old guy with a goaty . RIP Eddie :(


1:00 and 1:20

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This is the club I shot at since I was 17 ( now 33) it's the oldest FT club in the country and the most popular when it comes to the midland winter league .

It's worth a drive down . Take a look .


In the gallery you'll notice an old guy with a goaty . RIP Eddie :(


1:00 and 1:20

thanks for the link and a cracking setting in the video, I,ll certainly try and get down one day to have a pop at the targets, some very interesting links also on the page


many thanks for that


atb Bob

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So in a matter of weeks you have half as many AA rifles as Gaystates and you are considering a third? May I suggest that in the recent past a huge metalic thud must have been heard in the Wirral as, for one person at least, the penny finally dropped :yes::yahoo: . Wishing you well for the new season and looking forward to your experiences with the new guns.

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So in a matter of weeks you have half as many AA rifles as Gaystates and you are considering a third? May I suggest that in the recent past a huge metalic thud must have been heard in the Wirral as, for one person at least, the penny finally dropped :yes::yahoo: . Wishing you well for the new season and looking forward to your experiences with the new guns.

all the best to you and yours too sir,,


I,m just sick of waiting for daystate to make a move in the FT world, I have spent the last 2 months debating which target rifle to get, I must of read every single review on the net, spoke to lads at the FT club and owners of the rifles to get the pros and cons on the two rifles and came up with the conclusion that the EV2 was the one for me for the moment, I,m toying with the idea of a second target rifle for HFT and my mind is pickled, I didn,t realise just how many good FT rifles where out there but the top two seem to be the steyr and the EV , I,ve shouldered the steyr lg110 , 2014 and although its a stunning rifle it doesn,t feel as comfy as the EV2 , it was basically the EV2 came up at the right price at the right time,

to shock you even more Bruno I,ve even put my Mint wolverine b up for sale,, yes its shocked me too as the rifle is superb but has been sitting in the cabinet , not getting used since I,ve had the new three rifles and not one of them is a daystate,

nothing I have yet has matched the accuracy of my ranger .177 and I was debating wether to put that into an FT stock but then I wouldn,t have the super hunting tool I have now, the bloody thing just cant miss,

also my next job is to send the hw100 off and have that fully tuned and a few extras fitted to make that shoot like it should, out of the box it certainly didn,t perform how it should but after a few tweeks and plenty of hours to find the right pellet its shooting a lot better than it was, as for the AA s410 .22 well that's just a work horse for the rats, even that rifle has been totally stripped ,polished ,new seals ,trigger adjusted, new scope, bolt ,everything has been replaced except the stock and to 40 yrds its superb, but its the second s410 I,ve owned and since I stripped and rebuilt it , it is now a totally different rifle, I,ve had a regulator fitted also and changed the filler to the simple daystate one,

have I lost my love affair with daystate ??? certainly not, but I do try to get the best I can for a particular job I need them for,


anyway enough of my gabbing I,ve got work to do,,, I,ve got to get this EV2 mk4 setup before next sunday, one thing I will say is this FT shooting has given me a new lease of life, great bunch of guys and gals in excellent surroundings and it gives me something to do on a sunday morning, what more could an old man like me want


atb Evo

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Enjoy your pastures new, Bob-a change is as good as a rest they say-wouldn't mind a bit of HFT myself but have just been given 5k acres of Squirrel/vermin control that I must get stuck into-best perm I have ever had with weekly texts advising me of the hardest hit areas to avoid wasting time-simply fell into my lap-talk about being in the right place at the right time :good: .

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Enjoy your pastures new, Bob-a change is as good as a rest they say-wouldn't mind a bit of HFT myself but have just been given 5k acres of Squirrel/vermin control that I must get stuck into-best perm I have ever had with weekly texts advising me of the hardest hit areas to avoid wasting time-simply fell into my lap-talk about being in the right place at the right time :good: .

excellent news marc, it happened with me, took my springer beating on a large estate as it was the perfect ground to train him, ended up with over 10,000 acres to shoot , corvids and pigeons a plenty also the rats bud , great fun on the rats around the chicken pens with the NV, best day to date was 176 corvids, just goes to show you need a bit of luck also

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