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I admire the meandering pace of life you appear to have UD. Your posts and photographs infer a much slower/gentler pace of living (whether reality is different I have no idea) which is heartening to see in this day and age.

I recently passed up the opportunity of a free Webley & Scott bolt-action .410. At the time I wondered if I would perhaps regret it; am starting to feel I may do. On the upside I managed to persuade the bloke who tried to give me it, to renew his ticket instead of letting it lapse and surrendering his guns, so it may well yet come my way at a a later day.

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I admire the meandering pace of life you appear to have UD. Your posts and photographs infer a much slower/gentler pace of living (whether reality is different I have no idea) which is heartening to see in this day and age.

I recently passed up the opportunity of a free Webley & Scott bolt-action .410. At the time I wondered if I would perhaps regret it; am starting to feel I may do. On the upside I managed to persuade the bloke who tried to give me it, to renew his ticket instead of letting it lapse and surrendering his guns, so it may well yet come my way at a a later day.

Oh I have had my ups and downs mate!!

Just prefer nature, the woods and creation over the bright lights, chasing wealth and ego.

Dislike lyres and cheats, back stabbers and two faced folk.

Pay my way, love my family.

Less is more in my book and my brain certainly is not quick enough to keep up with the experts.

I need to go make smoke again :-).

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Oh I have had my ups and downs mate!!

Just prefer nature, the woods and creation over the bright lights, chasing wealth and ego.

Dislike lyres and cheats, back stabbers and two faced folk.

Pay my way, love my family.

Less is more in my book and my brain certainly is not quick enough to keep up with the experts.

I need to go make smoke again :-).

Sounds fair enough to me.

Having lots of money is no doubt very nice, but it's never been a priority of mine and I've never pursued wealth much, which is why I'll probably never have any. My Dad was much the same.

When my kids were born I came to realise it is quality of life which counts, and little else. I wouldn't swap my way of life for any other and I doubt you would either.

Have fun making smoke.

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I admire the meandering pace of life you appear to have UD. Your posts and photographs infer a much slower/gentler pace of living (whether reality is different I have no idea) which is heartening to see in this day and age.

I recently passed up the opportunity of a free Webley & Scott bolt-action .410. At the time I wondered if I would perhaps regret it; am starting to feel I may do. On the upside I managed to persuade the bloke who tried to give me it, to renew his ticket instead of letting it lapse and surrendering his guns, so it may well yet come my way at a a later day.


Just remember he rides a Ducati ..... and presumably gives it some beans now and again (otherwise he might ride an Indian or a Vincent). UD is probably far more normal than some photos might present :lol:

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Well done underdog the 410 is real fun I should get one again I think. I've shot 48 squirrels last year on the main land as there is a good red squirrel population on anglesey North Wales so I'm doing my bit for conservation , intend to start trapping is year so will speak to Basc as there are trap to be had free to carry out conservation.

Edited by E.w.
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Well done underdog the 410 is real fun I should get one again I think. I've shot 48 squirrels last year on the main land as there is a good red squirrel population on anglesey North Wales so I'm doing my bit for conservation , intend to start trapping is year so will speak to Basc as there are trap to be had free to carry out conservation.

Well done bud and good luck 😀

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