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getting a rifle to hit where you point it !!


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i got new rifle on saturday and have found that the iron sights cannot adjust enough to bring the point of impact in line with the sights, it hts above and right. i intend to fit a scope in the future but will i find the same problem when i fit it? and what should i do?

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even though its an XS78 it should still be fit for purpose (under the sales of good act) a rifle which cannot shoot accurately is not fit for purpose, as the rifle by definition is a gun which has a grooved barrel with the intention of making a bullet spin, thereby giving greater accuracy.


If it doesn't hit where it says then not accurate, therefore breaching sales of good act.

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i got new rifle on saturday and have found that the iron sights cannot adjust enough to bring the point of impact in line with the sights, it hts above and right. i intend to fit a scope in the future but will i find the same problem when i fit it? and what should i do?

hi bud, if its got iron sights then the foresight is (hopefully on a dovedale) if it is then-carefully tap the foresight over bit by bit to the right untill it shoots on line. vertical adjustment should be made by the rear sight to your requirements, you dont say what the rifle is,so i can not help you out further than that! cheers .

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i got new rifle on saturday and have found that the iron sights cannot adjust enough to bring the point of impact in line with the sights, it hts above and right. i intend to fit a scope in the future but will i find the same problem when i fit it? and what should i do?

hi bud, if its got iron sights then the foresight is (hopefully on a dovedale) if it is then-carefully tap the foresight over bit by bit to the right untill it shoots on line. vertical adjustment should be made by the rear sight to your requirements, you dont say what the rifle is,so i can not help you out further than that! cheers .

he says above, an SMK QS78.

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it is shooting about tree inches high and one inch right at 20 yards, it is however, just a cheap QB 78 so don't know what the shop would say. what do you mean by "check the fore sight", not shr how to check it!!



to hell what the shop says take it back get another.

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if it is then-carefully tap the foresight over bit by bit to the right untill it shoots on line.


sorry, don't you mean tap it to the left, to make the point of impact move left?



Nope move the FORE sight to the left & the POI moves to the right.


Move the REAR sight to the left & the POI moves to the left.




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If its in warranty still then dont mess around take it back just in case anything is amiss.

I have one as well but never had a problem setting it up.

Please realise though that when you fit a scope you will have to zero it (align it).

You do this by shooting at a target and noting where the pellet hits then moving the cross hairs a little at a time until it hits the center of the target when you are aiming at it.


You should always fire a few pellets before hunting to make sure the zero hasnt shifted.

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